If you're found yourself in weeks 7 or 8 of college, you know exactly what time it is; MIDTERMS. Bless your heart, we all feel you.
It's the time of the year that we all can agree that all of our teachers have ganged up to make sure we have 3 exams that are all worth like 300 points and clearly make up like 100% of your grade and if you don't pass, you'll surely fail.
It doesn't really matter what year you are in college, midterms SUCKKK. Its the time that coffee flies off the shelves of Hyvee, WalMart, and Starbuck. All the orders are like crazy such as a Venti Double Shot iced hazelnut drink with an extra shot of espresso (bringing it to six shots) and two shots of sweeter. SAY WHAT?
People get rundown and sick, people are coughing, noses are running, and everyone has permanent bags that are NOT designer under their eyes, #GROSS.
Trust me, I've got *ALL* the experience by my senior year of college.
1. Coffee consists of espresso and espresso
2. People are like scary Halloween zombies lacking sleep and crazy hair.
3. People haven't showered in weeks
4. Nor have they had a warm meal because #AintnobodyGotTimeForThat
5. Free food is like a gift from God himself
6. We have deleted our social media accounts because #BeingProductive
7. We might need some shots to match our shots of espresso
8. We haven't changed clothes all week, but who cares
9. Our gym memberships are getting cobwebs from all our "study time"
10. We might survive yet we might not survive but thank goodness for #PostMidtermCelebrations