We all dread the walk that lands us at the library. A preferred view of a television screen streaming Netflix is quickly replaced with rows of tables with piles of books, open lap tops, and lots of water bottles.
We all like to get our studying done in a different fashion. You have the studiers that like to get everything done during daylight and you have those, like my roommate for instance, most productive between the hours following midnight. Our habits, strategies, and methods of studying range, overlap, and change but generally, what kind of studier are you?
The one that can’t sit still
We all suffer from distractions, however, there are those kids that simply cannot stop changing their position in the chair, shaking their foot frantically, and crossing and uncrossing their legs. The tapping of the pen is what helps them pass time
The one that just takes up too much space
These are the people with their notebook, laptop, loose-leaf sheets, and pens sprawled out on the table. They might as well have a reserved sign considering their laptop charger and phone charger are spread from one end of the table to the other.
The one driven by caffeine
Some simply need help keeping their eyes open. These people have five different coffee cups beside them. Starbucks, Espresso Royale, 7-11, and Collectivo are to thank for that much needed energy boost.
The clock watcher
This person keeps glancing at the clock, or their phone, to see how much time has past. This usually either results in frantically worrying about how much work and how little time you have, or a sigh of relief that it is almost time to go home.
The one most productive in daylight
This is the one that goes to the library between classes, after class, and early in the morning. You wont see them at the library if it is dark out. They would rather grind all day long and take that much deserved chill time at night.
Or the opposite, the ones that are post productive after midnight
Some people aren’t phased by the supposed eight hours of sleep that we all need. Rather, they use this time for their studying. All nighters are something they are accustomed to.
The one that writes out everything over and over and over again
It is said that writing enhances comprehension. Those who abide by this, write out all lecture notes no matter how many hours, cramped hands, and out of ink pens it takes.
The one that takes a break by socializing
This is the one we all pop our heads up to see because the whispering triumphs the ability to hear a pin drop on the floor. Odds are people are texting their friends across the room that they can hear your conversation.
The one that studies with loud music
These are the ones looking for that motivation to keep them going. They are the ones typing while nodding their head to the beat. Their version of a break is changing songs.
And lastly…
The one we all hate: doesn’t have to study to get an A
Hated them in high school and we still hate them now. The person that doesn’t even have to open a book, or studies for what appears to be no time, yet still does better than you. Some people are just blessed…
Your break is over…time to get back to the books!