The Suite Life of Zack and Cody was a popular Disney Channel series in the mid 2000s. It follows the lives of a set of teenage twin boys who live in a hotel. Midterm week in college is probably the second hardest week of school and these characters know how to relate to us.
1. When the material on the midterm was NOT what you were told to study
2. When you are so stressed that you start stress eating
3. When you overhear someone going over test material that you never studied
4. When you read your syllabus and it says midterm is worth 35 percent of your grade
5. When all of your friends are going out but you haven't started your seven page paper
6. When the R.A schedules a meeting right as you start said paper
7. Or when someone walks into class and forgot that there is a midterm
8. When you are finally getting work done and someone tries to distract you