As college students, we can all identify with one-of-two most awful weeks in our semester: Midterm week. It really is all fun and games until this dreadful week appears. This is midterm week, a sad story written in stages, as told by your brain.
Brain: "Don't study."
You: Why not?
Brain: "You gotta."
1. Denial
Your teachers keep saying "Your midterm is going to be tough," or "Make sure you check the sample exams online."
Brain: "Nah, no need to worry about that yet."
2. Netflix
Three exams, two essays, one group project?
Brain: "Hey it's okay, we can do it all later, better yet, challenge me. I can do it all in one night. Just let me finish watching this whole season first."
3. Getting on the grind, colorfully.
As a way to cope with that awful information you need to understand and memorize, you start pulling out the prettiest color pencils and pens you got. Your notes and charts start looking like Lisa Frank products.
Brain: "Your notes need a lot more pink in them, go find your pink highlighter. Actually, just re-do them in gel pens – you'll like it."
4. When the library is your home.
You spend ridiculous amounts of hours in the library, brought a blanket, some snacks and maybe even took off your shoes. Who knew you would attain such comfort in a place filled with unread books?
Brain: "We are gonna be so productive at the library, I cannot wait to read all 10 chapters of that book you rented but haven't opened yet."
5. Purposely finding distractions.![]()
In this stage you find yourself putting your physical needs first, when they are already satisfied.
Brain: "Oh? You're hungry again after having dinner? Sure, go eat one more time. Are you wondering if your favorite store is having a sale? Go check it out. Who have you not talked to in a while? I know you're wondering how they're doing, send them a text. Haven't stalked your ex in a while? Perfect time to do so. How's your grandma by the way? Time to send her a letter."
6. Your first test.
Although this may not apply to all, test anxiety is a real thing.
Brain: "Multiple choice. You know you suck at it. Just kidding. Is it B or C? They both seem accurate. Will you ever know? What if this is a trick question? Actually, just move on. Are you gonna circle the letter or the whole answer? Move on. Awesome! Short answer. You know this one, hold on, forget the answer right now."
7. Stress competitions.![]()
Friend: "I am dying. I have two exams and two papers."
Brain: "Don't kill her."
You: "Try having three exams, two papers and one group project."
Friend: "Well have you done anything?."
Brain: "Walk away right now and unfollow her from all social media."
8. "Why can't I just drop out?"
At this point you have almost tried everything to get things done but you really don't have any motivation left.
Brain: "Drop out! Why are we even here? Why are you doing this to us? You know, I think we would be more successful being a stripper."
9. Crying
After so many soul-tearing thoughts, all you have left is sadness, along with saying "why?" 10 million times. As the tears roll down your cheek, you continue to write your essay in hope for better days to come.
Brain: "It's okay. Look! You're only 1,000 words away."
10. Getting your grades back.
Now, this stage could go many ways.
Brain: "A 70? Well, C's get degrees... " or "95? I guess all our suffering paid back, right?"
11. Forget about all the pain until finals week.
Look at you! You didn't die! Now enjoy college life until finals week.