It's #MIDTERMSZN everybody! Since this is my first time experiencing 7 days of slaving over work, all I had time to write about this week was reflecting on my boring, stressful past few days.
When you start the week off with a 5 hour shift at the library
When you keep telling yourself to stay at the library instead of going back to your dorm and crying.. but it happens.
When you try to compensate and imagine things that could be worse than failing your midterm..
The hours in the library start racking up and you're becoming delusional
Then, during the test it's almost like the hard work vanished
Waiting for that grade has you like..
And you start doubting why you're even enrolled in college
You call your parents and say..
And you regret even calling cause you just get that stereotypical Dad advice..
So you come up with your own solution:
Finally, you get your grade and it can end in one of two ways:
(The Desirable Option):
(The "I really F***** Up" Option):
Regardless of the outcome, you're just glad you made it through the week