7 Ways To Guide Yourself Through Midterms | The Odyssey Online
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7 Ways To Guide Yourself Through Midterms

Midterm. The dreaded word you absolutely hate to see on your syllabus! Below is a list of some tips and tricks that to me, are tried and true ways to leave your midterms stress free.

7 Ways To Guide Yourself Through Midterms


1. Schedule, Schedule, Schedule

If you know when your midterm is exactly and how much time you have to prepare for it you will be way less stressed about it I promise! If you only have a week till your midterms that's totally fine too! Make sure you schedule yourself at least an hour a day leading up to your midterm a week prior to the big day. If you want to be more scheduled it's a great idea to stick to one topic or just a few topics each day, so you don't overwhelm yourself! *Make sure you have two or three days before the test to focus on just your weak points and the day before to review it all!

2. Flashcards

Whether you like classic written flashcards or Quizlet, flashcards are the study tool that will almost guarantee you a good grade on your midterm! I personally prefer Quizlet because it offers many different ways to review and learn your flashcards. However, it is proven that writing the information down by hand will help you to remember it better... but don't get me wrong I will probably always use Quizlet to prep for my exams.

3. Do your review!

This is a big one y'all! Professors give you reviews for a reason. The majority of information on the exam will be mentioned on the review so do your reviews! It is a good idea to do them before your last class prior to the midterm because a lot of professors will designate that day to at least a bit of review. If you complete the review before any review sessions this will also give you time to get any information you may have missed on your own, as well as ask about any topics you were confused on.

4. Study groups

I know a lot of us don't usually study for exams in study groups, but let me tell you when you have people around that are in the same class it can be incredibly beneficial. Things you are confused about, they could know really well and vice versa. It also helps when you are explaining something you understand to another student because it will reinforce that knowledge you already have and you will feel way more comfortable with the material. Also, go to your study sessions if they are offered, this is a great way to review for your midterms if you don't know anyone in your class or if you can't make any study groups.

5. Pick the right place!

Where you study for your midterms can be really influential on how well you study. If you choose to study in bed, that's fine, however, mentally you won't be able to obtain as much information because your brain automatically associates being in bed with going to sleep. Studying at a library or a not so busy coffee shop will give your brain the kickstart it needs to get into full on study mode!

6. Midterm Survival Kit

If you look on Pinterest you can find hundreds of test study kits which are super cute and also a great pick me up for that last study sesh before your midterm. Making your own little survival kit is totally acceptable and I have for sure done it. Even if it's just a little baggie with fruit snacks, maybe some chocolate, highlighters, possibly Emergen-c, a coffee, and a water, I promise you will be ready to pull an all-nighter at the library if you really need to!

7. The day of

How you're feeling the day of the test will really impact your overall score on the test. Try and get a good nights sleep or even a nap before your test. Drink some coffee in the morning and EAT!

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