The beginning of our 2017 spring semester has come and gone, leaving us in the wake of homework assignments, readings and an abyss of stress. The first wave of midterms are upon us and Kelly Kapoor knows what we are going through, best.
10. "Your first midterm is a week from today."
9. Studying, Studying, Studying
8. *after 8 hours of studying*
7. “Select all that apply.”
6. "You have 5 minutes left."
5. What is the standard deviation of this equation?
4. Next section: 20 multiple choice questions.
3. "Write your answer in no less than 5 sentences."
2. "Your answer choices are A, B, C, D, A&B, B&C, or C&A."
1. I know I got this one right... 4.0 here I come!