There is a saying I live by and stand for each day, maybe you can too?
It goes like this..
“Stay positive and trust your journey, difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations”
Keepin mind and know that the right time will come for all things in life…
You may not have everything you want, or be with your soul mate at heart, but you must know better days will come, so have no regrets. Every life experience is just another lesson to be learned.We all know that not everything comes to us as easily as we hoped, and have it known that we can’t force things to be the way our heart may be is so set on because it’s not always the right thing for us. That doesn't mean you give up! Keep your head up and have faith and know that all things will fall into place for you someday. Remember this too, every decision you make will either make you or break you.
It’s okay to be by yourself during your early 20's, because you are still getting to know who you are, so don’t let that ever discourage you in any way. You will soon realize how this will be good for you as you continue to grow. Going through this allows you to be your own person, and to think for yourself without worrying how it will effect anyone else, yes I know it’s not hard to accept the fact that you are "alone" at times but I can assure that it’s not impossible.
There really is a reason for everything in life and truth is if you haven’t been successful in a relationship whether it was you or him/her it’s just not meant to be for you right now as cliché as it sounds it only the truth. Take this is time to enjoy being young doing great things for yourself like; checking things off your bucket list, going on adventures, traveling the world. Eat great food while you’re at it, see new places and meet new people. Make as many memories as you possibly can because they will mean something to you in the future.
Everything has its time there’s no need to rush. Take a moment to sit back relax and just breathe have fun while you are alone, stop living in the past or thinking on what could have been, keep moving forward change is good, start a new chapter and don’t think so much on the future you will get there, it’s okay to think about a thing or two but don’t force it. There is no need to settle down right now. Just because your path has turned out differently than others doesn't mean you’re lost. Enjoy your youth live it well! You have your whole life ahead of you.
I believe this is the time to work your butt off, finish school, so you can begin your career and life as an adult, yes you may be of age but you’re not an adult until you begin juggling between having a job and actually learning what it takes to support yourself, and struggling in the process. Make mistakes, and learn from them because that will make you stronger, it’s not going to be easy but when is life ever easy? Never! Until you get there, you will understand what I mean when I say that. Truth is you need to go through tough times in order to become a better version of yourself, so that when the right time comes for you meaning, to start a life with someone and everything else that comes along with that you will know just how to handle anything to the best of your ability because we aren't looking for perfection that kind of thing just doesn't exists.
This is just part of the growing process; we must learn to find joy in the midst of it. Of course I speak for myself when I share this with you because I still am in a place in which I’m realizing every day that goes by what It is I want for myself in life. One of the main reasons for me saying this is because I hope to give you that encouragement you might be missing if you are someone who struggles to feel or believe that things will be okay someday. Yes life gets messy and you go through all kinds of aces and pains from time to time but you must continue living. You need allow yourself the happiness you deserve so stop looking for it one someone or something because you won’t find it that way.
Take the time and really ask yourself all those questions and doubts running through your brain and take action on it that’s the only way you will get the answers you may have needed all along. The point of that is for you to be able to understand yourself better than anyone else. You will see everything with more clarity! Time has a way of revealing what really matters to us this will help you see things differently if you stop planning things to be a certain way, because not everything goes as planned.
Life is a beautiful journey no matter what you must embrace it and most of all stay positive because your best chapter is yet to be written…