It’s that time of the year again folks; midterm season! I am sure by now you are showing up to class in sweats, hair a mess, homework not finished, and half asleep, but I am also betting that you weren’t always this way! At the beginning of the year, I bet you worked hard to finish all your homework on time, eat meals at normal hours, dress up, and even exercise once in a great while. By now though, you have hit the mid-semester slump and you may be thinking to yourself, “Is it Christmas break yet?” Not to worry though. Here are some tips for overcoming the mid-semester slump and getting through the rest of the semester without wanting to drop out.
1. Make lists of everything you need to do and check it off as you accomplish each task
I promise it will make you feel better each time you get to cross something off your list
2. Take breaks to watch Netflix, but don’t binge watch the entire series of Friends when you should be studying...
3. Start studying in advance
It is so hard to start looking at information the night before an exam and trying to remember everything that is going to be on the exam. If you start studying a couple nights before or even get your flashcards done in advance, you will be in much better shape!
4. See your professor for extra help
Most teachers are more than willing to help if you just ask! Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone a little if it means getting a better grade on your exam
5. Stop with the three hour naps everyday
I know exactly how you feel. By 12 o’clock you’re already ready to be back in bed, but I advise that you try your hardest not to. If you’re like me and need a nap most days, try to make it only 20-30 minutes instead of 3 hours.
6. Form a study group
Don’t go through the mid-semester slump alone! Find a group of friends to study with to make it a little less painful.
7. Lastly, reward yourself when you make it through the dreaded midterm season
Happy Midterms season! May the odds be ever in your favor.