October. One of many people's favorite months of the year, yet oftentimes it ends up being the busiest. If you're currently in college, you've probably found yourself stressed with midterms, the onset of colder weather, and maybe even feeling a bit homesick. If you find yourself in this position, test out some of these tips to make life a little better.
1. Reorganize your dorm room
Unless you are a clean freak, your room is probably not the cleanest and most organized at this point in the semester. Reorganizing your room will put your mind at ease and maybe even motivate you to take initiative in other aspects of your life. Not a lot of effort has to be put forth here either. Take 10 minutes to refold the clothes in your dresser and 5 minutes to reorganize your desk if you're pressed for time. Trust me, reorganizing your room will definitely help clear your mind. Clean room=clean mind
2. Find some new music to listen toÂ
Fall is one of my favorite times of the year to make a new playlist. A lot of bands and artists release new albums during this time of year, creating the perfect time to up your studying playlist game. If you're having a hard time finding a studying playlist you like, there are so many premade playlists on Spotify, YouTube, etc. Music makes everything better, especially when you're 3 hours deep into studying for midterms.
3. Find a new studying spotÂ
Sometimes a change of scenery can have a positive impact on your studying habits. Instead of going back to your room or your corner of the library, switch it up once in a while. Whether that's going to the floor of the library you never go to or studying outside when the weather is nice enough, find somewhere new to go. It might help you focus better and make studying and doing homework a little less painful.
4. Wash your sheetsÂ
If you've been at the school since August, it's probably a good time to wash your sheets. If you find yourself not being able to nap during the day or are functioning on few hours of sleep every day, make the most of your sleeping time and make your bed the comfiest it can possibly be.
5. Dedicate a night to self careÂ
the My friends and I try and dedicate Tuesdays for our self-care nights and treat ourselves by eating some form of junk food, usually ice cream, and trying out different face masks while listening to 2000s throwbacks on Spotify. It may sound silly, but it helps give us all a little something to look forward to during the week. It helps us to decompress for a little bit and forget about everything else that is going on. Self-care takes so many forms so find out what works best for you, whether that being face masks or taking 45 minutes to read your favorite book.
6. Spend a weekend inÂ
Have you been going out every weekend since school started? Although going out may be fun at the moment, most of the time the hangover you may suffer the next day makes you question why you went out at all. If you're feeling rundown, there is absolutely no shame in spending a weekend in to catch up on homework and sleep. Your body will definitely thank you later.
7. Treat yourself to a little something that will make you smile
You've been through a lot so far this semester and after taking your midterms, you might find yourself in need of a little pick me up. Maybe it's a new cozy sweater, pair of socks, or etc. Check out this link below from Buzzfeed for a list of 25 cute little things. The best part? Even if you buy everything on this list, you won't spend more than $50.
8. Call your familyÂ
Yes, you may be homesick but your family definitely misses you too. If you haven't talked to the fam in a while, give the fam a call to help cure your homesickness a little. Even if it's for 5 minutes, talking to your family will distract you from everything for a little while.
9. Take steps to combat sickness
Every year around the middle of the semester, it seems like everyone and their mothers get sick. If you're trying to avoid sickness, take some precautionary steps to fight infection. Invest in some packets of Emergen-C or Airbourne on those mornings when you wake up with a sore throat and need to kickstart your day. On those nights you can't sleep because of a cough, NyQuil is your best friend. Colds stink, but by taking small steps to combat sickness, you can make sure that your minor cold doesn't set you back on all the work that you need to finish.
10. Eat!! And Sleep!!
At this point in the semester, you might be choosing between eating and sleeping. Although you may be incredibly busy, try not to compromise between these two. Keep food in your room if you don't have time to make it to the dining commons and keep a granola bar in your backpack if you find yourself constantly on the go. And if you haven't been sleeping as much as you want to, try and take naps to catch up on those hours you missed.
Overall, this list is just a reminder to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Don't let the mid-semester slump get to you, and find time for yourself amongst all the craziness around you. You will get over the mid-semester slump. And remember, Thanksgiving is just around the corner.