While those of us in our late teens and early 20s are happy to be on the road to adulthood, we'll never forget our middle school days. Probably the most awkward two to three years of our lives. How'd we get through it, you might ask? Well. . . here's a list of things that made us happy in 2010.
1. A crimper
In middle school, I crimped my hair every day, even if I was just putting it into a messy ponytail. The day I broke my crimper was a sad day.
2. Omegle
The days of finding randos to talk to, and occasionally seeing something you didn't want to see.
5. Kik
Without an iPhone, I turned to using Kik on my iPod to feel like a cool, iPhone-using gal.
6. A slider phone with teeny buttons
The purple Samsung Strive was my first ever phone! I had to use my nails to press the tiny buttons carefully. Sometimes it blows my mind that my younger siblings will never have the experience of using a phone that's not a smart phone.
7. Blue eye shadow
I always thought matching my eyeshadow to my outfit was the way to go. And I wear a lot of blue, so....
8. Feather extensions
I LOVED my feather extensions. Anyone think I should try to bring them back in style?
9. BFF necklaces
I can't recall actually ever wearing one of these, but I know I always bought them.
10. Picnik
Some stellar advice from 13-year-old Brenna to 20-year-old Brenna, in the form of a edited picture.
Again, I repeat, can we bring feather extensions back?