22. Hey Ya! by OutKast | The Odyssey Online
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25 Songs That Were On Every Middle School Girl's iPod Shuffle In 2006

All the top hits you had on the white iPod Shuffle that only held 99 songs.

25 Songs That Were On Every Middle School Girl's iPod Shuffle In 2006
Paige Ryan

Oh, middle school. Not necessarily the greatest of memories, but the music was totally wicked cool. My personal taste in music has always been diverse. But in my preteen years, my favorites were angsty tunes, a la Avril Lavigne and Evanescence. I also enjoyed all the female powered pop songs that were all over the charts.

I had a white iPod shuffle that was a Christmas gift from my aunts. You know the one, it was shaped like a middle finger and could only hold 99 songs (Why 99 and not 100, we will never know).

So close your eyes and let this list of songs take you back to the days of Paul Frank, Aeropostale polos, those weird rubber 'sex' bracelets.

1. Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado feat. Timbaland

Somehow, this song was played at the 8th grade dance and it's still my go-to karaoke song. I still know all the words, and yes, I sing as both Timbaland and Nelly Furtado.

2. Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield

This song was just the ultimate pop bop and was featured in so many movie soundtracks.

3. SexyBack by Justin Timberlake feat. Timbaland

This song was on fire when it first came out.

4. Don't Cha by the Pussycat Dolls feat. Busta Rhymes

I have vivid memories of listening to this in 8th grade health class.

5. SOS by Rihanna

Rihanna was still very new to the music scene and putting out the ultimate dance songs.

6. Move Along by The All-American Rejects

The All-American Rejects were super popular and this song was on so many movie soundtracks.

7. London Bridge by Fergie

I still remember the day I bought The Dutchess album, because my dad was really concerned about the album cover.

8. Everytime We Touch by Cascada

I went through a really intense Cascada phase.

9. Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy

Fall Out Boy definitely had a lot of great songs in the early 2000's.

10. Too Little, Too Late by JoJo

An iconic middle school break-up track.

11. Bring Me To Life by Evanescence

I don't care how emo it is, this song is still one of the best. I would listen to it while rollerblading or before swim practice.

12. Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani

What you'd listen to on the bus as if you were about to have a real fight in the schoolyard.

13. Hot in Herre by Nelly

Yeah, this song was already a bit old but it was so fun to sing along to. Also, they (questionably) played it at school dances.

14. Complicated by Avril Lavigne

It always felt like this song was really deep.

15. She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5

For looking out the window and watching the raindrops fall.

16. So Yesterday by Hilary Duff

Still not over the Metamorphosis album.

17. Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood

Because of Carrie Underwood, I only shoot whiskey.

18. Lose My Breath - Destiny's Child

Before Beyonce went solo, she was putting out bangers with Destiny's Child.

19. I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman by Britney Spears

The perfect song to describe puberty, honestly.

20. Barbie Girl by Aqua

This song came out when I was in elementary school, but it definitely was one of the first ringtones I chose for my Virgin Mobile flip phone.

21. Hips Don't Lie by Shakira feat. Wyclef Jean

Everyone taking middle school Spanish felt cool when they could sing along to this song.

22. Hey Ya! by OutKast

Man, I miss OutKast and the days of 'shaking it like a Polaroid picture'.

22. Smile by Lily Allen

Lily Allen with her infectious pop beats and cheeky lyrics really shaped most of my formative years.

24. My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne

I miss the old Avril.

25. Can't Hold Us Down by Christina Aguilera feat. Lil' Kim

I was obsessed with the whole Stripped album.

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