10 Things You Learn As The Middle Child | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things You Learn When You're A Middle Child

A constant sibling sandwich.

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Rachel Schnelle

My brother and I are two years apart and my sister and I are four years apart which makes me the middle child. I'm the type of person that tries to find a lesson in everything and being a middle child has taught me many unexpected lessons.

You're always going to be picked on 

My brother and sister are six years apart but when they're together they have the maturity of middle school boys. When we were younger it seemed like everything I said was destined to be made fun of. I'm a naturally sensitive person so every insult hurt a little bit more. Now that we're older it's not as bad as it used to be but sometimes it makes a comeback.

You’re the black sheep of the siblings

Since my brother and I go to the same college we are often seen together. When I tell people that we're siblings I get the same reaction every time. It initially starts with shock and ends in disbelief. This causes me to say that my sister and my brother look exactly alike, and they usually agree with me. I was somehow skipped when it came to athleticism and coordination. I've been known to trip over my own feet, which makes me look like a black sheep compared to my three-sport siblings. I was also blessed with being left-handed (perfect combination right?), again making me feel more different.

You become more independent

When I was in high school I was home alone a lot because of weird schedules my family had. This taught me how to do things on my own. While it seems like a small task, I learned to get myself breakfast and pack my own lunch in the mornings before school. My parents not only didn't have to worry about me, but also applauded me for my independence. If my parents were busy with something for my sister I was one less thing they didn't have to worry about. This is not to say that my parents ignored me, I just was easier than the other siblings because of my ability to do things on my own.

You compare yourself to your siblings

My brother excelled at everything in highschool and was loved by everyone. At his graduation someone walked up to me and told me I had big shoes to fill (talk about a punch to the stomach). When I began my senior year I constantly compared myself to him and how I could be like him. It was just the same thing with my sister. We shared a bathroom when I was in high school and even though I was older than her I compared myself to her constantly. I hated how she was somehow better at makeup than I was even though I've worn it double the amount she has. I craved to be as smart and as quiet as them. Even though I was confident in myself, a part of me always wanted to be my siblings.

You argue about the dumbest things

To the siblings that have never argued, I applaud you because that is not true with my siblings. We all have different personalities which can cause a lot of tension. I've learned that if I'm arguing with one sibling the other backs me up. Even if we don't have anything important to argue about we still somehow find something. I can't even count how many arguments we've had over the most irrelevant things.

When you’re not doing something, you’re at one of their events.

This is true for a lot of siblings but in my case its especially true. I spent many days during my childhood sitting on the sidelines cheering my brother on for just about any sport that was offered in my town. I cheered all throughout high school so I was constantly at sports events even after my brother graduated. On top of that, during the fall and summer days I would cheer on my sister with her events with her horse competitions. While both were incredibly boring at times-I loved watching them excel at their sport.

You bond with other middle children

A few Christmases ago my mom accidentally addressed some of my gifts to my sister so it looked like I got a lot less gifts than my siblings. Even though it was an innocent mistake, I still felt left out. I immediately texted my cousin who is a middle child and complained. I later told just about every person that I knew that was a middle child about my horrid experience. I cannot tell you how many times I've said ugh, we middle children. have it hard to another middle child. It's sort of this unspoken bond that only middle children get.

You vow that you’ll never have three children.

While I love my family and have gotten used to the middle sibling dynamic I've already decided to have an even number of kids., I don't want my children to know the feeling of being a middle child. Sometimes I love the sympathy I get from it but sometimes it really sucks. Nothing frightens me more than my child coming to me complaining about their younger and older siblings picking on them.

You can feel left out

When we all lived under the same roof, there were many nights that I wished to have the same relationship that my brother and sister had. I wanted to share inside jokes, be able to talk to them about anything, and feel comfortable around them. I felt left out and sometimes ganged up on. However, I realized that it's okay to have different forms of relationships with different siblings.

You wouldn’t change a thing

As much as I complain about being a middle child, I wouldn't change it for the world. I am grateful enough to have not one but two siblings that love me unconditionally. Lots of people don't have that opportunity and sometimes I don't realize how good I have it. I love both my sister and brother and am so grateful to have them in my life.

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