Whether your midterm week has happened in the past, is happening in the present or will happen in the future, you completely understand the stress that rains down on you during that week. For those that have watched the NBC show that is now sadly off the air; Parks and Recreation, you know that the characters are pee your pants funny and scary relatable. And if you haven't watched the show then you need to re-evaluate your life choices. No, but seriously even if you haven't watched the show, these gifs that explain mid-term week will connect with on a deeper level than the large caramel iced coffee that is giving you comfort.
It's 3 in the morning, there are papers everywhere, 4 old iced coffee cups sit next to you and oh mY GOD YOU LOST YOUR NOTES ON THE SITUATION CRISIS COMmuniCation ThEORY.
This textbook is literally 600 pages. I am too lazy to search the entirety of it to know what an employee public is. It cost me $200 so it should be able to search itself. next question *throws book out the window*
When you think its a good idea to study with a friend because "teamwork is dreamwork" but instead just end up watching youtube videos on how to death drop.
"I've paid attention in class" you say. "I have all day tomorrow to study" you say. "I'll start in a couple of hours" you say. "There are still 7 hours left until the exam" you say. "I'm gonna fail" you accept.
When your parents ask you how your "studying" is going and if you feel prepared.
Note cards are just a blur and you've been reading the same sentence for 10 minutes. No matter how much you study you feel like everything is going through one ear and right out the other.
Since you can't remember jack, you keep coming up with 10,000 possible scenarios of the grades you will get and the failure that you believe you will become.
Walking into the exam with either a feeling of pure defeat or extreme preparation.
When the teacher hands you the exam and the only answer you know is Name:
Walking out of the exam texting your mom telling her that you need her to tell you that she still loves you no matter if you get a D- or a D+.
YOU'RE FREE. IT'S OVER. DANCE HUNNY, DANCE. It's lit regardless if you failed or passed because you can finally burn your notes and go to sleep.
Just kidding you still have 3 more tests this week ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Good luck friends!