It's that time of the semester when all of your grades catch up with you and you realize that, no, you won't be making the Dean's List this time. You begin having assignments you didn't know were even on the syllabus, and you can't imagine how a single class can have so many papers due in a single week. You become a regular in your professor's office hours, and you begin calculating the minimum grade you need on the final in order to pass each class. You begin withdrawing from classes and even though there is only six weeks left in the semester, you know your grades and sanity won't last that long. It seems like just yesterday you were relaxing over winter break and telling yourself that this semester will be your best one yet. And then college happened, and you're stuck right back where you were last semester under piles of paperwork and empty coffee cups. We've all been here, some of us are still here, and there will be many more times that we will be here (unless you're a senior, then congratulations on being a semester away from freedom). As the tests keep piling up, our Netflix binge-watching days seem like a far off memory. But, to keep you from completely forgetting your humanity, here is a reminder of one of the best movies of all time (it not being on Netflix is a crime in itself). Here is the mid-semester lull as told by one of our favorite films (that we can't watch because we're too busy doing those 10 papers, studying for three tests and taking nine quizzes), "The Princess Bride."
You start off coming back from spring break feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the semester
You don’t check your grades because you know that they’re fine and can’t be too bad
You go out on the weekends because you have organized your time wisely
You get a full night’s sleep before going to your first Monday class
And then you realize you have a test you forgot about
In the next class you realize you have a 12-page paper due next class
Your professor emails you saying that there are two quizzes this week
You begin stress eating, which then just leads to stress drinking
You struggle to keep on top of your schoolwork but it keeps piling up
You check your grades and you somehow went from a solid B in one class to a D
You go to your professor prepared to inflict your revenge on them
You drink your ninth coffee and pray for salvation
You somehow turn in all your work on time
You take a five-second break to breathe
Then you realize you have three online quizzes, five papers, and a cumulative test this week
Just think, only six weeks to go!