Let's flash back to the beginning of the semester. You walked into your first class with your little notebook and colored pens ready to finish the semester off strong with full confidence. Now that October has rolled around, the game has changed. We enter the dreaded month of midterms. It all goes down hill from here. Big papers are due, exams are taking over our lives, and we live in the library pretty much 24/7. Our GPA, bank accounts and emotional stability could use a little prayer right now. Here's how the cast of Spongebob has summed up the mid-semester crisis:
1. It hits you midterms have approached and the fun is now over.
2. Appearance means nothing anymore and you show up to class with mismatching socks and the sweatpants you wore to bed.
3. Your brain feels like:
4. The library went from being completely empty at the beginning of the semester to suddenly looking like this:
5. Balancing your school work, social life, internship and job all at the same time has you looking like:
6. Procrastination has become your job and when you finally begin your assignment, you reward yourself 2 minutes later with a break.
7. At the beginning of the semester, you were so happy, carefree and attentive. Now you're miserable, stressed and tired.
8. You're at that point where you can't even function like a human.
9. It's 3 AM and you finally finish the assignment you've been putting your blood, sweat and tears into.
10. Your friends ask you to go out and be adventurous but you've already spent your life savings on the beginning of the semester.
11. When you've been studying so long that you can't fit any more information into your brain.
12. Getting a good nights sleep isn't even an option anymore.
13. You finally get in bed at 11:50 PM thinking you're finally able to go to sleep before midnight until you realize there's an assignment due on blackboard at 11:59.
14. You have $0.14 in your bank account, running on 1.5 hours of sleep, you have no clean clothes and you're failing 7/5 of your classes but are trying to look at the bright side of things.
15. You go home to your family and they ask how your semesters going so far.
16. Your professor decides to add assignments that weren't even on the syllabus in the first place.
17. You're halfway through an exam and realize how screwed you are but keep on trying because you really need the grade.
18. You roll into 8 AM class wondering why you even thought it was a good idea to take one in the first place.
19. Eating is the only way to make you feel content.
20. Everything and everyone around you pisses you off.
21. You failed your midterm and beg your professor to round up your grade.
22. Your life has turned into a constant panic 24/7.
23. Mental breakdowns happen daily.
24. You look at your midterm grades and realize you're screwed.
25. Your motivation just isn't there anymore.
26. When you're just so physically and mentally drained, and you still have 2 months left of the semester to go.
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