Midterms are over, fall break has passed, and Christmas seems too far away to bear. However, there is still a lot to study and events to attend. So, here are some ways to overcome that mid-semester slump.
1. Take time to organize your priorities
We all know there are some things we have to do that are more important than others. Yet, I find myself putting the projects I enjoy most before those that I don't. When due dates come around, I suffer the consequences of rushing around to get the unenjoyable tasks finished. I think making a list with the most chronologically crucial item at the top helps me get all of my thoughts in order and make an effective game plan to get everything done.
2. Spend some time in the library
I don't know about you, but if I don't have the energy to pack a bag and head to the library, I sit in my room and get nothing done. I will waste time cleaning my room, talking to my friends, or reading the news of the world on my phone. Spending 4 hours in my room will get about the same amount of work done as spending 2 hours in the library. Yes, it is a massive challenge to get everything together, when I would rather go to bed, and make a venture to the library, but in the long run it is better for productivity.
3. Take some time out to do things besides studying
I like to spend time with my friends. So, I choose to do productive things with my time, like going to HEB for groceries. It is good to take study breaks, because when I come back, I tend to get more accomplished. Then, I also got things done that I would have to do eventually. It's all about figuring out what to do when, so that you can be the most productive.
4. Get some ice cream
Ice cream solves every problem. Enough said.
5. Look at the big picture
Keep up a positive attitude. Focus on the end goal of acing those finals! Don't get too lazy too, work hard. Take some time for yourself, though. College is one of the best times of your life. Keep your spirits up and sprint to the finish line.