Halfway into second semester -- for some -- may seem similar to a mid-life crisis. The first round of grades are in, progress reports are out, and it is time for some reflection, regrouping, and motivation to hit the ground running through the "finishing line" of finals.
1. Make a Calendar.
The weeks to come are crucial to your GPA, so know what's coming. The best way to take on so many tasks, in so little time, is time management and careful planning. By making a big calendar with due dates of assignments, tests, quizzes and more, will help you block out the time needed to study or prepare for whats to come.
2. Office Hours!
Yes, most/all teachers have them. If not, appointments are available as well as Teaching Assistant(s). Talk to your teachers. Get to know them, ask questions, and know what's going on in your class. Odds are, you'll be doing much better in the class if you and your teacher are on the same page.
3. Work your Week.
Personally, I have found that writing out a weekly calendar in addition to the master academic calendar (#1), helps maximize the most beneficial use of my time. By mapping out the week ahead, it allows me to find time slots open and fill those with study time devoted to a subject, or a chance to catch up on homework. Knowing what's coming up, helps you know if you can say yes/no to dinner with friends or a movie date.
4. Organize your Work.
Keep a binder or dividers that contain your materials specific to each class. Keeping these materials separate will save you time and stress, as it will be easy to access when the time comes to work on homework or turn in an assignment.
5. Extra Credit.
Many teachers offer extra credit. Find out if this is an option for you. If so, take advantage of this opportunity to improve your grade with a little extra work. In the end, this will benefit you greatly. After all, who wouldn't want free points?
6. Say No To Procrastination.
Procrastination affects even the best of use. To prevent this, set timers for homework and give yourself 30 minutes to 1 hour and then take a timed 10 minute break to pick up your room, clean, use the restroom, or eat a snack. When the timer goes off, get back to it. Push yourself to stay away from distractions and focus on the task(s) at hand.
7. Have Time For Fun.
You are in college. It is perfectly okay to go out and grab dinner with friends, maybe go out on the weekend, or just hang out and watch a movie. The key is planning ahead (#3) and knowing when you are actually free or if you really should be finishing that homework or studying for that test. Finding a healthy balance is key, as there is more to life than just school. Although keep in mind, school is the priority.
8. Keep a Routine.
With planning your week ahead (#3), you can allow time for regular amounts of sleep and exercise into your routine. Keeping a healthy diet allows your cognitive functions to thrive and you will feel more alert, well, and ready to take on the day.
9. Treat-yo-self.
Even the busiest of us need a little "me" time. In the middle of a stressful week, try a face mask while working on homework, watch an episode of your favorite show, or eat a snack/dessert after studying for a test. Anything that you enjoy, is good for the soul, especially in the middle of a crazy school week.
10. Ask for Help.
No one is perfect, but there are people who have walked the path before you, and know what's up. Don't be afraid to reach out to another student, teacher, or peer that can help you face whatever you are struggling with. Whether this is school work or mental health, any problem is a real problem. Do not fear, as there are people out there ready to help.