As a kid, having pizza rolls or a hot pocket after school was very common and a way for your mom to get you to chill out until dinner time. Then came a time when we thought we'd never see these items again or at least until we had our own kids. College came around and they made an abrupt entrance back into our lives. These are the 9 microwavable meals that will get you through the semester.
Pizza Rolls
The classic microwavable meal. If you're a kid or a college student, you know this is the snack you're coming home to after class. You can have 5 or 50 and the flavors are endless.
Chicken Pot Pie
Personally my favorite. Pop this bad boy in the microwave for 5 minutes and you have yourself a flaky dish that feels like it's on fire. I've never taken 'caution hot' more seriously on a package.
Ramen Noodles
Most people make these on the stove top, but you can pop these in the microwave as well. I use a special contraption to cook mine in that I got off of eBay, but I'm sure a bowl with a lid will do just fine.
Macaroni n' Cheese
Bob Evans mac n' cheese is the best in the microwave. You won't regret that decision at 2 in the morning.
Hot Pockets
Another classic. If ham and cheese isn't your favorite, then we can't be friends. These also tend to be on fire when you bite into them so take caution. They're super easy to eat on your way to class though.
Pizza Bagel Bites
These are often forgotten or overshadowed by the pizza rolls. This was a common dish in the lunch room brought by kids whose mom's always packed their lunches for them.
Mashed Potatoes
Bob Evans is another fan favorite here. Forget peeling potatoes, just put it in the microwave for 3 minutes.
Anything in a steam bag
If you're a mom, you know what I'm talking about. In my home, we have something out of a steamed bag at least 3 times out of the week. Gotta get those greens.