Microsoft’s sort-of Siri, Zo, allegedly is programmed to have a filter on its speech, keeping racism and politics out of its discourses. It is an automated “chatbot” that works on the app Kik. It had been previously shut down after “internet users got [chatbot] to spout racist, sexist and pornographic remarks.” The newest version, named “Zo” is said to be better programmed, and will refuse to talk about politics or racism.
Zo has been tested with questions that could be traps, and so far it has performed well. When asked about Mr. Trump’s racist language, it responded, “that kinda language is just not a good look.” When it was sent a Hitler GIF, it’s limited capabilities were noticed, since it is not able to open GIFs yet in its young version. Had it been programmed with GIF reading capability, we would know if it could respond diplomatically to the offensive moving graphic.
The previous iteration of Zo, which was named “Tay” had been directed to do a number of distasteful things including denying the Holocaust, calling for lynching, calling feminism a cancer, and a number of other things including “Parrot[ing] one user to spread a Trump message, tweeting ‘WE’RE GOING TO BUILD A WALL. AND MEXICO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT.’”
This whole ordeal reveals the pleasure people get by maneuvering a robotic, automated program, or “bot” in this case, to spew hateful and offensive things. This is telling of the kind of people who are using the internet, and the way people continue to think today.
This ordeal also shows is that it is important for deliberate action to be taken to inhibit racism and oppressive behavior from happening. Freedom of speech is important, however, making a robot program spew hate is not important. Thankfully Microsoft’s staff is tackling this, a single programming code at a time.
There are still many more areas of society that need to be improved and cleansed of hate. Reform must be undertaken. Just as up until 1967, there were anti-miscegenation laws that needed to be reformed, and just as this “chatbot” needed to have its programming reformed, so much of our society and modern culture needs to be reformed. Red lining, public lynching, slavery, and much more have brought us to present day with many historical roots that need consideration and fixing.
By working towards the goal of equality and respect throughout society, America will eventually become a place where everyone can be respected and valued. This was what our country was founded on, but many compromises have kept that from being ultimately true. Disagreement is inevitable, but it can be done respectfully and non-degradingly. Someday I believe it will be, if noble people can join together to positively and equitably improve this country.