Michigan Primaries (August 2016): Get to Know Your Ballot And Prepare Your Vote | The Odyssey Online
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Michigan Primaries (August 2016): Get to Know Your Ballot And Prepare Your Vote

Michigan’s State Primary is less than four weeks away!

Michigan Primaries (August 2016): Get to Know Your Ballot And Prepare Your Vote

*Disclaimer: This article is concerning the MICHIGAN primary for WAYNE COUNTY and parts of the METRO DETROIT community. If you are in another county or area and would like to view your ballot, click here and enter your voter information. If you are in another state, visit your Secretary of State’s webpage and view your sample ballot online. To view all candidates up for office in the Michigan August 2016 primary, click here.

Michigan’s State Primary is less than four weeks away! Remember to vote on August 2, 2016. While many write off these primaries as less important or less significant than the Presidential Elections in November, in reality this ballot has the most effects on you as a citizen – these are the elections in which you vote in your policymakers, your congressional representatives, your legislative representatives, and your county’s leaders. These are the people who will have the most effect on your daily lives. This is the election that everyone needs to pay more attention to.

Michigan has designated the August primary as an open primary (as opposed to the March primary for the presidential election which was closed), meaning that each individual voter receives the same ballot and does not choose a party affiliation when entering the polling venue. The voter then decides which party’s primary to participate in by voting for only one column of candidates. It is important to note that voting for candidates in more than a single column (a single party) will void the entire partisan ballot. For more information on this, click here.

Remember to bring a photo ID with you to your polling place. If you plan to vote in this primary, you needed to be registered to vote by July 6, 2016. If you plan to vote in the November presidential election, remember to register to vote by October 11, 2016. There’s still time! Make sure to register to have your voice heard.

And with that, here’s all you need to know about the Wayne County ballot for the State of Michigan. All information has been taken from campaign websites, and all issues listed depend on what is publicized by these candidates’ websites (thus letting you know their respective priorities).

Do your homework, voters! There will be additional information for your specific township’s vote NOT listed here. Don’t forget to look up your sample ballot on your respective Secretary of State’s website.

Congressional Representative in Congress (11th District – Vote for not more than 1): Race for David Trott’s current seat.

Democratic Party Candidate: Jewell Jones

Jones is the current City Councilman for Inkster, and is the youngest to hold this position. He is a lifelong resident of this city and is a community activist. He was part of ROTC and holds a degree in Political Science and Finance. He is also a small businessman.

His campaign for this position is relatively recent. Keep checking his page for updates!

No campaign expenditure information available.

To contact him, send an email to jewellforcouncil@gmail.com or call at (313) 563-0249.

Democratic Party Candidate: Anil Kumar

Kumar is a doctor, a successful small businessman, community activist and a teacher.

Education: He believes that education is the cornerstone of our future and will fight against budget cuts to education, reevaluate merit pay systems, make college a reality for all students by removing some financial burden

Healthcare: Expand on the Affordable Care Act for more coverage, protect patients, and reduce costs. Wants to reform to put an emphasis on preventative care, cost reduction, and patient rights. Against repealing the act, as it would take away healthcare from many Americans.

Jobs and Labor: Wants to put Michigan back to work by implementing policies that will create jobs, grow the middle class, create business incentives to bring industries to Michigan, and support unionized labor.

Women’s rights: Ready to fight for women’s rights until no more barriers exist for equal opportunity and success, and believes that women are under siege in this country (particularly Michigan). Will advocate legislation to provide working families with the income security they need, legislation to ensure paid family leave, and legislation to help affordable childcare opportunities. Believes that women’s health is a decision between her and her doctor, and not the government.

Medicare and Social Security: Believes in protecting these benefits so every senior can retire with dignity and security, as these seniors have worked their entire lives for these benefits.

No campaign expenditure information available.

To contact him, send an email to info@kumarforuscongress.com or call at (248) 606-5283.

Republican Party Candidate: David A. Trott

Trott is a lifelong resident of Southeast Michigan who has spent his life growing his family business.

Government spending: Believes in reigning in “out-of-control” Washington spending

Education: Opposes Common Core educational standards

Taxes: Wants to reduce tax regulations to businesses

Border Control: Focusing on better border security and immigration practices

Health Care: Wants to repeal and replace ObamaCare

Second Amendment: Trott is a member of the NRA and strongly supports the Second Amendment

Pro-Life: Trott considers himself pro-life.

National Security: Wants to protect it as a priority, supports our troops

No campaign expenditure information available.

To contact him, send an email to info@trottforcongress.com or call at (248) 906-2936.

Representative in State Legislature for 20th District (Vote for not more than 1) to replace Kurt Heise.

Democratic Party Candidate: Colleen Pobur

Pobur is a 20+ year resident of Plymouth, Michigan who has served on or led a number of commissions, boards, corporations, and even as mayor pro-tem for four years, and has developed her business acumen through ten years in the private sector.

Growing the Economy from the Middle Class Out: Wants to support the small businesses of Michigan to create good-paying jobs here and balance tax rolls so corporation pay their share and ease the burden on society members so they are able to support themselves and the economy.

Strengthening Public Education: Believes in fully funding Michigan schools to give all kids access to a quality education so they are ready for their futures. She also believes in supporting higher education to lessen student debt.

Holding Government Accountable: Passionate about keeping government transparent and operate legislature in the light of day as well as proper spending of tax dollars.

View campaign expenditure information here.

To contact her, visit this webpage.

Democratic Party Candidate: John J. Sullivan (no campaignwebsite available; information taken from this interview)

Sullivan was a county commissioner for eight years and is currently a lawyer. His top two priorities include public education funding and infrastructure repair.

View campaign expenditure information here.

Republican Party Candidate: Jeffrey T. Neilson (no campaign website available information taken from this interview)

Neilson is a founding partner of Lipson, Neilson, Cole, Seltzer, Garin who is self-described as a fiscal conservative. His top priorities include public education support, managing growth, and keeping young college graduates in Michigan with some form of debt relief.

View campaign expenditure information here.

Republican Party Candidate: Jeff Noble

Jeff Noble is a pastor and believes that money should be left in the hands of entrepreneurs.

Taxes: Revenue should be raised through pro-growth policy that encourages capital investment and broadens the tax base.

Energy: All energy sources should be on the table and up to the state. Supports policies that balance environmental concerns and the needs of Michigan residents to have access to affordable energy.

Infrastructure: Support policies that encourage individuals to buy homes, start businesses, and reinvest in their own communities making communities autonomous.

View campaign expenditure information here.

To contact Jeff Noble, visit this webpage.

Republican Party Candidate: Chris Roosen

Chris Roosen believes in fiscally conservative leadership which provides value for money. He is a Christian, an engineer, and believes in small/limited government.

Jobs and the Economy: Wants to make Michigan the Comeback State with job creation and innovation.

Roads: Wants to prioritize spending on roads.

Reduce Spending and Regulations: Wants to innovate to provide higher service levels at lower cost.

View campaign expenditure information here.

To contact him, email chris@votechrisroosen.com or call (734) 335-0145.

County Prosecuting Attorney (vote for not more than 1): Race for Kym L. Worthy’s current seat.

Democratic Party Candidate: Kym L. Worthy

Kym L. Worthy is the current County Prosecuting Attorney. To view her biography, click here.

No campaign expenditure information available.

Republican Party Candidate: No candidates on ballot

County Sheriff (vote for not more than 1): Race for Benny N. Napoleon’s current seat.

Democratic Party Candidate: Shelly L. Milton

Milton currently serves as a Deputy Sheriff for Wayne County. She has worked in all three jails, all three 3rd Circuit Court buildings, was Woodhaven’s first female firefighter, and has worked on the front lines of Wayne County serving for over 35 years.

No campaign expenditure information available.

To contact her, visit this webpage.

Democratic Party Candidate: Benny N. Napoleon

Napoleon is the current Wayne County Sheriff.

No campaign expenditure information available.

To contact him, call (313) 224-2222.

Democratic Party Candidate: Dickie White

No candidate information available.

Republican Party Candidate: No candidates on ballot

County Clerk (vote for not more than 1): Race for Cathy M. Garrett’s current seat.

Democratic Party Candidate: Adam Salam Adamski

Adamski is from Wayne. No other candidate information available.

No campaign expenditure information available.

Democratic Party Candidate: Cathy M. Garrett

Garrett is the current Wayne County Clerk.

No campaign expenditure information available.

To contact her, call (313) 224-6262.

Republican Party Candidate: No candidates on ballot


County Treasurer (vote for not more than 1): Race for Eric Sabree’s current seat.

Democratic Party Candidate: Beverly Kindle-Walker

Kindle-Walker believes in neighborhood stabilization and public safety.

No campaign expenditure information available.

Democratic Party Candidate: Eric Sabree

Sabree is the current County Treasurer.

No campaign expenditure information available.

To contact him, email letswin@voteericsabree.com

Republican Party Candidate: No candidates on ballot

Count Register of Deeds (vote for not more than 1): Race for Bernard J. Youngblood’s current seat.

Democratic Party Candidate: Ricardo R. Moore

Moore would like to make the Wayne County Register of Deeds an appointed position rather than an elected position and will audit the financial resources and contracts going to this office.

No campaign expenditure information available.

Democratic Party Candidate: LaMar Lemmons

Lemmons is currently an at-large member of the Detroit Board of Education.

No campaign expenditure information available.

To contact him, email lamar.lemmons@detroitk12.org

Democratic Party Candidate: Bernard J. Youngblood

Youngblood is the current County Register of Deeds.

No campaign expenditure information available.

To contact him, call (313) 224-5850.

Republican Party Candidate: No candidates on ballot

County Commissioner (vote for not more than 1): Race for Joe Barone’s current seat.

Democratic Party Candidate: Nate Smith-Tyge

Smith-Tyge’s campaign has been a grassroots effort and has lived in Michigan for most of his life.

Roads and Infrastructure: Smith-Tyge will work with county leadership to ensure that resources are being used to fix roads.

Jail Property: Will work to build a facility that meets the needs of Wayne County residents that is safe, secure, and not overcrowded.

Open and Honest County Government: Has a commitment to good government, open process, and operate Wayne County Commission in full light.

No campaign expenditure information available.

To contact him, visit this webpage.

Republican Party Candidate: Joe Barone

Barone is the current County Commissioner.

No campaign expenditure information available.

To contact him, call (313) 224-0882.

Delegate to the County Convention (vote for not more than 3):

Democratic Candidate to the County Convention: No candidates on ballot

Republican Candidate to the County Convention: Daniel P. McGhee

No candidate information available.

No campaign expenditure information available.

County Proposals

Parks Millage Continuation: “To continue the millage authorized in 2010, shall Wayne County levy this millage at the estimated 2015 rollback rate of .2459 (about 25 cents per $1,000 of taxable valuation) for five more years (2016 through 2020) to continue to improve and operate several parks and related facilities, including Hines Park, Elizabeth Park, Chandler Park, and improvements to municipal parks in the 43 communities as provided in an implementing ordinance through an annual allocation by commission district of the greater of $50,000 or 15% of the total funds generated from that district, on the condition that, for any year for which this continued levy would be imposed, Wayne County must budget from other sources an amount equal to its 1995-1996 fiscal year appropriation for parks? This renewal is projected to generate $9,865,514 in 2016.” --Michigan Secretary of State

In layman’s terms: Should Wayne County continue to levy the

millage set to improve and operate parks and related facilities, such as for

Hines Park, Elizabeth Park, and Chandler Park?

Voting Options: YES/NO

Zoological Authority Renewal Millage (Proposition P): “The Wayne County Zoological Authority was established pursuant to Public Act 49 of 2008 and formed to allow for continuing zoological services for the students, residents and visitors of Wayne County. The law allows the Authority to seek authorization from the electors to levy a tax on real and personal property to provide revenue to an accredited zoological institution for this purpose. Accordingly, as a renewal of the previously approved millage authorization which expires with the 2017 tax levy, to continue providing zoological services to benefit the residents of the County, shall the 0.1 mill (10 cents per $1,000 of taxable value) on all of the taxable property located within the County continue to be imposed for a period of ten (10) years, being years 2018 through 2027? It is estimated that if approved and levied, this millage would generate approximately $3,940,066.55 in 2016.” -Michigan Secretary of State

In layman’s terms: Should the tax to provide zoological services

to benefit residents of Wayne county continue for another period of 10 years

beginning in 2018?

Voting Options: YES/NO

*For township candidate information, click here and fill in appropriate information.

*For Judge of Circuit Court information, click here and fill in appropriate information.

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