I have written about a negative experience at a Michigan football game in the past. Last October I believe, but as much as I was looking forward to my last year here on campus, I've realized that football can't be a part of that.
Scratch that. Football can, but going to the games cannot.
Ever since I got on campus my first year, and let's be honest, even before that, I had been looking forward to going to every football game. I have purchased student season tickets every year and would pride myself on my determination to go to every game, regardless of weather, or other factors.
It is probably important to mention that I don't party. I don't go out and drink and dance and everything. I mean, maybe once in a blue moon, but it definitely isn't my scene. If it's yours, alright, just please don't prioritize your drunk version of fun over the overall enjoyment of other football fans.
Along with the previous statement, I have never gone to a tailgate party or tailgating, or whatever. and I know that there are different kinds of tailgating events. Of course, the one that sticks out in my mind is the full-on parties that include loud music, any and all forms of alcohol, and questionable decisions.
Again, if this is what you want to do, fine. Do it. Other than the annoyance of the same songs blasting through the air, it's not my problem. But please, for the love of God and/or anything you hold holy, do not come to the game after getting impossibly drunk.
That out of the way, this is what happened at the game that made it the last straw for this Wolverine.
I get to the stadium without a problem and even to my seat. You know, the one you paid for. The one that is printed plainly on your ticket. Anyway, I get there about a ½ hour early as usual cause I don't trust that people won't take my seat if I'm any later.
FYI to those entitled Michigan students: Just because I am a student, doesn't mean you should take advantage of my "free" spot. If someone leaves or hasn't arrived yet, do not move in like vultures.
So, I get there and before the game has even started, a group of students (probably not drunk, just annoying) has moved into my area. I personally go to the games alone, but just because I do doesn't mean I don't understand wanting to experience the game with friends.
So, a couple of girls ask me to switch places with them. I said "okay" because I didn't want to seem cold-hearted.
Tip for the future: Just be cold-hearted. Better yet, call them out.
Of course, it didn't take long for the seats around me to fill up and for the bench, that we have to all stand on, to get overcrowded. I know the tickets seem like a "steal" at the price for students, but really the lower price means a lower quality of experience.
The game itself wasn't particularly interesting as our opponents weren't exactly challenging, but I still got to feel the thrill of watching some good plays and touchdowns.
New Flash: these were the only good things about my experience.
This being my fourth year attending Michigan football games, I'm so fricking sick of the mean, rude, and disappointing behavior of Michigan students. Stop booing the other team. Stop booing their marching band (that stuff is hard to do). Stop calling the other team "Bitch" in an official cheer.
Michigan is supposed to be held to a higher standard, but right now we are holding the bar too low.
Back to behavior, during the half-time show I was asked yet again to move since a couple people had left (no one knew whether or not they were coming back so, I hadn't moved down.) Knowing that I was going to leave at the end of half-time, I agreed with a blatant eye-roll.
These girls were obviously drunk and weren't hesitant to declare it every minute. They were obnoxious in their yelling and attempts at cheers while the Michigan Marching Band were performing. And if you hadn't guessed, they were still drinking the alcohol they had smuggled in.
Even though I love to support my school and our team, I will not support the behavior of these students. I can't enjoy the games anymore because of them and to make matters worse, they don't care.
I may consider attending future games, but not in the student section. I would much rather pay more money to be assured my ticket's seat in a "worse" seat than deal with my experiences in lower rows.
A Michigan student who is sick of the "leaders and best."