I am sure that you had a reaction to the title of this piece, you may have even asked “Why is Michelle Obama and Joseline Hernandez mentioned in the same sentence?” Here’s why, In America, we tend to rank people in a metaphorical caste system, similar to those of ancient Indian civilizations. In this modern caste system, we rank people based upon education, economic status, appearance, and a lot of times, we rank women by who they marry, or if they are married. If we were to do a compare and contrast of Michelle Obama and Joseline Hernandez we will see that there is a deviation between the women.
Michelle Obama, Joseline Hernandez
Education: Princeton University, Harvard Law Unknown
Networth: $11.8 Million $150,000

Spouse: President Barack Obama, Steven Jordan ( Stevie J)
Based solely on the data shown above, I would contend that America would rank First Lady Michelle Obama higher on this caste system, and place Joseline Hernandez as a part of the undercaste. Michelle Obama, has reached an impressive level of prestige and success. Mrs. Obama has two Ivy League degrees, a net worth of 11.8 million dollars, the appearance of a “wholesome woman”, and she is married to one of the most powerful men in the country. The President. Mrs. Obama is seen as, what many may call, “the woman you bring home to your mother.” Contrary, Joseline Hernandez, is by no means as educated as Mrs. Obama, has a net worth of 150,000, has the appearance of a stripper (based on the photo above) because she once was one, and now allegedly married to Steven Jordan. Succinctly, Michelle Obama is seen as flawless, and Joseline Hernandez is seen as the most flawed. However, if Michelle Obama was involved in one major scandal, her worth on this human caste system would depreciate faster than anyone else. Merely, because she is Black and a Woman, aka, the most oppressed group of people. In America, Woman have to do a lot to hold a spot on this exclusive caste system. I would argue that society wants women to be quiet, because they appreciate them best when they display themselves as an ornament. Society wants women to look good while being mute. Ornamental value is telecasted best with women who never say too much, looks “wholesome”, goes to church, is intelligent and “ pure”. If a Woman defies these traits, she is frowned upon by many people in society, women included. Though many may feel that Joseline Hernandez is not prestigious, she can not be denounced to displaying ornamental value. Joseline continues to defy this notion, by going against the social norms and that is why she is not a part of this exclusive system. Joseline may be the quintessential definition of ratchet, while Mrs. Obama may be viewed as wholesome.
This caste system goes as far as the representation of a whole people. When thinking about who black people would want to represent them, many people may say Michelle Obama because of her prestige and intellect. Black people, contrary to any other group of people want the best to represent them at all times because of their years of oppression. For instance, Wendy Williams, the host of the "Wendy Williams Show", spoke about the fight of Porsha Williams and Cynthia Bailey on the hit show "Real Housewives Of Atlanta". Williams said “That confrontation between Cynthia and Porsha made me embarrassed of my Blackness” She goes on to say, “ aren’t we all supposed to be grown women?” She concluded with saying “White people, and Indian people, and Asian people don’t all act like this.” She clearly is embarrassed of being who she is because of the actions of two other black women. Wendy then claims to be embarrassed because she is a woman and they are women. Finally, she feels that she has to apologize or appear presentable to other groups of people by saying, “White people, and Indian people, and Asian people, we don’t all act like this.” These comments are in some ways controversial, but many people in our society would agree with her sentiments.
Michelle Obama is successful and represents America well.. However, it is unjust to hold
Michelle Obama over Joseline Hernandez. This defeats the idea of feminism. Feminism is the
advocacy for the equality of all women. Feminism fights for women to have equal rights as their male counterparts! If women support this societal caste system they denounce feminism, and place more worth on someone based solely on what they have acquired. I am not saying that we should not form opinions, but we should not place greater value on another person because of them having less flaws.