Michelle Obama will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the best first ladies to grace the United States. She came into the White House in 2008 and nobody knew that she would have such an impact on the country. Michelle had all the best qualities of a leader, a role model, and a friend. She could balance being authoritative but also kind. Amid any political turmoil, Michelle stayed calm, cool, and collected as the country looked up to her. I am beyond grateful to have witnessed her FLOTUS reign.
In today’s society, it’s not always easy for a little girl to find a role model. When front-page news is celebrity drug scandals, it’s a bit harder to find some positive news. Michelle always brought the best. I don’t think I have ever seen anything bad about this woman in the media. She was and always will be an amazing role model. She constantly shows empowerment through her push for higher education and a healthier lifestyle. Her poise and advice will live on for years to come.
Michelle Obama knew how to have fun. She could dance on Jimmy Fallon one day and be on iCarly the next. She knew how to give advice. She could push the Gimme Five movement and the Reach Higher Initiative. She knew how to dress. She knew how to be a mom. She really could do everything. In her final address to the public Michelle said, “I hope I’ve made you proud.” All I have to say is thank you Michelle Obama, you have made us so proud.