We all know that Michael Scott has a way with words...and jokes. He tends to offer some advice in the only way he knows how. Sometimes it's confusing and weird and other times it makes total sense. It comes as a surprise or when his employees really needed a pick-me-up. Michael Scott has proved to be a wise man from the following advice he shared with us!
1. Do we really need to understand anything? Maybe even nothing and yet Michael Scott was still successful.
2. Sometimes it's OK to have no idea what you're doing. As college kids this relates to us because honestly, how many of us really know what we want to do with our lives?
3. Maybe running away from all of our responsibilities isn't the best idea, but you do have to pace yourself and relax. And yes, it does feel good to forget about everything for a little bit.
4. Enough said.
5. We all need to be shark eating doggie dogs to be successful in the doggie dog world.
6. We should all be Queen B, always.
7. And of course the hands down best advice from Michael Scott...
Although his advice was a bit quirky and random, they are completely understandable. Michael Scott taught us a lot about love and managing a branch from the many seasons he played on 'The Office'. He is probably not the best role model, but he cared deeply for his employees at Dunder Mifflin.