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6 Reasons Taking a Mental Health Day is Perfectly OK

Don't let stigmas prevent you from taking care of yourself.

6 Reasons Taking a Mental Health Day is Perfectly OK

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There is the controversial opinion that mental health is a real thing and that many people suffer from forms of it. Then there are the comments stating that if you suffer from MH, then why don't you get medicated for it? It's a struggle for some people to understand that taking medication might actually make these issues worse; but medication is the answer to everything, right?

There are days, while I'm not diagnosed with any "illness," I need to just take a breather from school, work, everyone. These days are crucial to not only your MH, but your physical health, too. If you continue to allow the stress from whatever might be stressing you out, bother you, then you'll slowly become groggy, less active in school or work, and just completely run-down.

At this point you would need to take a sick day, just to recover from the physical weakness you are putting your body through. There was a time frame where I worked only four days a week, I had three consecutive days off, and I still needed a break from work because I hated the stress it brought me. Mental Health is real, people, and here are some reasons why it's OK to take a Mental Health day...

1. It helps with stress

Taking a breather from that project you're stressing over or that next busy work day is actually perfectly healthy, not lazy. If you take a day for yourself and don't think about what you would be doing in class, 9at work, or thinking about what you're missing; the stress seems to melt away. Taking a full day off will allow you to come back to work with a better mindset and more energetic than you would've been.

2. You can catch up on sleep

I don't know about the next person, but I LOVE my sleep. If I don't get enough of it throughout the week, then I am drained. Taking this day to sleep in an extra couple hours, and maybe even catch a nap throughout the day, will feel as rejuvenating as it sounds. Lay in bed all day, catch up on your favorite shows, and forget about all your worries for a day.

3. You'll feel rejuvenated when you return

Taking a full MH day will feel not only rewarding, but you will feel like a brand new person returning to your everyday tasks. The extra sleep, and much needed "me" time will restore what feels like "fried brain cells" from the constant stress piling up. Now, you shouldn't necessary wait until you feel like that to take a MH day, but often times we don't realize that we are getting run down until it gets to this point. Always watch out for feelings of excess stress, feeling overworked, and not enjoying your job. These are active signs that maybe it's time for a 24 hour break.

4. Everyone deserves a little pampering

While some people will take this day to lay in bed and relax, other people might want to hit the gym or the spa to feel a whole new side of relaxation. Some people feel less stressed after a good workout and other people want to massage their stress away. There are many different ways of dealing with stress, but don't be afraid to pamper yourself every now and again. Order in, get your nails done, get a massage. Don't be afraid to show yourself some love!

5. This gives you some much needed alone time

Again, everyone deals with stress differently. For myself, I need to be completely alone to rid myself of stress. Alone time is healthy, too! The feeling of constantly needing to host someone, or impress someone really drags a person down eventually. Alone time will give you not only peace and quiet, but the ability to think and breathe without any and everyone being around to see it.

6. Your happiness is much more important!

Let's say this one a little louder for the people in the back. YOUR HAPPINESS IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN...That job, that project, that paper. You need to realize when to take a breather and when it is okay to step away. I am not suggesting that your job, project, etc. is unimportant. But have you ever heard the phrase: "You're killing yourself for a job that will replace you in a week."

Please, please, please take Mental Health days seriously. Do not wait for these stressors to pile up because then you will need to take a sick day to recover, rather than a MH day. Happiness is the most important thing, along with physical and mental health. Always remember to take a day when needed for yourself, and don't feel guilty about it!

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