The story of Doña Carmen and Don Luis has pulled tourists from all over the world to visit the haunted stretch of Callejon del Beso (Alley of the Kiss), in Guanajuato, Mexico. This stretch measures 68 cm in width between two balconies, that saw the beginning and end of one of Mexico's greatest and most tragic love stories.
Doña Carmen was the daughter of a wealthy man, rumored to be violent and strict with his only daughter. Rumor has it that his strict ways and jealousy led him to raise his daughter in solitude and estrangement from the world outside. This had been the case for many years until Carmen met Don Luis, a humble and working man who captured her heart instantly. They began courting at the nearby church until word reached Carmen's father. At the news of his daughter's secret love, he threatened her to send her to a convent and went as far as arranging a marriage with an old and wealthy Spanish man, that would bring him great amounts of wealth.
At the news of this chaos, Carmen sent her lady in waiting, Doña Brigida, to inform Don Luis about the events. Desperate to keep their relationship, he began to look for solutions that would allow him to stay close to Carmen. He furiously looked, until he came up with a plan: he would pay whatever was needed to acquire the room whose balcony touched Carmen's across the stretch of the bricked alley from house to house. This brought a temporary solution for the lovers, seeing them talk for hours while holding hands, falling more in love every day. Life seemed perfect and everything had fallen into place.
One night at the sound of muffled voices, Carmen's father rushed to her room. Where he found Doña Brigida guarding the door. Her father tossed her lady in waiting aside and rushed into her room. Finding her daughter with her arm stretched across the window, he furiously rushed dagger in hand, pushing it into his daughter's chest.
A numbing silence came upon Don Luis, as Carmen's hand became limp in his. To which he placed one last kiss on her hand, bidding farewell to the woman he loved one last time.
The story earned this stretch 68 cm wide alley as the Alley of the Kiss, or better known as El Callejon del Beso. Legend has it that if a couple visits the place, they must kiss on the third step below the balconies to ensure seven years of perfect happiness. If a couple neglects to do so, seven years of doom will come upon them. It has become one of the most visited places in Mexico. And well if you are single, then you just don't apply to the criteria. However, if you are single and come across the enchanted steps and balconies, locals say you must return asap to the place and secure your kiss with your beloved to ensure your fate.
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