"Ni de Aqui, Ni de Alla"
Not from here or there.
Stuck between 2 worlds,
2 worlds that don't accept me.
1 says that I am not "Mexican" enough,
The other says I'm not "American" enough.
You know what I say,
I don't need your hyphen to define me.
Because I define me,
I am a Chicana.
I am someone with a history,
A history that this country tries to hide from me.
I have a story with a beginning,
A story that shows my colors,
that breathes my air,
that plays my music,
that drowns my tears.
Just because neither country accepts me,
doesn't mean I don't exist.
My people have written their own story,
have created their own path.
I come from Tijerina,
who fought for our land.
I come from Corky,
who led the Chicano Movement.
I come from Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta,
who fought for our rights as humans.
I come from a long list of activists
that found to gain recognition,
to gain freedom,
to gain equality,
In a country that disregarded them.
So I don't need you to hyphenate me,
I know my identity.
I am a Chicana and proud.