Me Too. I wish I was not one of those people that had to say it. The number of other people coming forward is staggering. It doesn't have to just be actions, it can also be verbal. Maybe it was thought to just be bullying, but it is so much more.
Me Too. Let's look at it this way: it comes from both sides, male and female. Both are capable of causing someone to say me too. More females come forward about it, though, but it also happens to males.
Me Too. By this point, I think it's obvious what this article is about. Harassment. Not just any harassment - this is sexual harassment. This is about sexual assault, too. This is about remarks and gestures being made that are sexual in nature and are not wanted.
Me Too. One in five women have reported being sexually harassed or assaulted. One in sixteen men have reported the same. Eight out of ten rape cases are performed by someone the victim knew or has known. There is serious underreporting of this crime in the legal environment. So much that it often goes unreported.
Maybe it's being shrugged off as a rude remark or pervy touch, when in reality it's not. Rape, in its most basic form is defined as "unlawfulsexualintercourseoranyothersexualpenetrationof the vagina,anus,ormouthofanotherperson,withorwithoutforce,bya sexorgan,otherbodypart,orforeignobject,withouttheconsent of thevictim." (Taken from
Me Too. It's happened to me, it's happened to her, to him, to them. It's happened. Maybe it happened when we were kids. Had our first relationship and just thought they were being annoying and shrugged it off. Maybe it made us feel uncomfortable and we were confused about what was really taking place. Maybe it was a remark from a coworker that we were afraid to report in case it put our jobs in a compromising place. Maybe we didn't know.
Me Too. If you are a victim, I am here for you. I will not judge and I will help you. You aren't alone.