In the past couple days, in response to allegations made by alleged sexual assault victims in the Harvey Weinstein’s case, many women are sharing their stories. A recent tweet by actress Alyssa Milano, has flooded various social media networks causing outrage and heartbreaking stories by sexual assault victims.
The tweet stated:
“If all the women and men who have been sexually harassed, assaulted or abused wrote ‘me too’ as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem. #metoo”
Since that tweet surfaced the internet, many people have shared their experiences. It's not just women. Millions of people have come forward in response to this tweet. This is the boiling point. Just think of all the people without internet access, with no way to voice their stories. People are living with this baggage daily.
As a young woman, I am appalled.
I have not been a victim of sexual assault. But today, I found out that many of my Facebook friends, Instagram followers, and those I follow on Twitter are victims and my heart hurts for them.
What saddens me the most is that one hashtag, two words, and a pound sign, has provided insight on such a huge problem that people are experiencing every day. The hashtag isn't just a hashtag but a representation of something that people have had to keep quiet for so long. It's acting as an outlet where finally, people are able to voice their stories without fear. What others would consider- the first step to healing.
It's sad that a single hashtag had to be the starting point of something that has been happening for years, even decades.
For one, no one should ever be sexually assaulted and for two, victims of sexual assault should not have to be expected to keep quiet about their situations. Victims deserve justice and peace in a time where they struggle day-to-day because of something that happened to them against their will.
I fully support the hashtag "#metoo" and I wish we would come together as one to end sexual assault and bring attention and awareness to an ongoing problem. Open your eyes America, sexual assault is apparent and must be stopped.