Sometimes people are more comfortable talking through social media. Nowadays, texting, Facebooking and other types of social networking can leave a conversation feeling lost, confusing or even annoying. And let's not forget creepy.
In an article about the do's and don'ts of instant messaging your crush, there are many things to consider before hitting send.
What category do you fall under? Look at your messages. Are you a do, or a don't? Bum BUM BUM!
My examples:
To give you an up close and personal look at my digital social life, I am going to share with you my experiences with the do's and don'ts of texting your crush.
Not only will I show you what I have written, but I will also share what someone sent through my Facebook Messenger. I am the dark blue conversation bubble. The do's are examples of my crush conversation. The don'ts are examples of the guy who had tried talking to me often.
1. Do be silly and have fun! Flirting should be fun, right?
2. Don't overuse emojis. After a while, the faces start to look creepier and creepier.
3. Do start a conversation. (If you want to talk, just talk.) Share ideas, likes, dislikes and everything in between. But be careful not to share too much, you'll want to do more of that in person.
4. Don't keep messaging. If someone doesn't respond after the first two, they probably don't want to talk. Some things are better left unsaid.
5. Do care! Share thoughts, be motivating! There are two parts to a conversation, you know.
6. Don't be creepy. Seriously, just don't.
These examples display two different guys. A do and a don't. It is important to make sure that you are communicating effectively and efficiently. Think about what you are posting before you click send.
However, not every emoji, question or picture falls under don't. It really just depends on your perspective. Do you like the person who is crushing on you? Or, do you try to avoid these people? But remember, be careful. Sometimes the don'tsare hard to get rid of.
Look out for the do's and don'ts!