A letter to myself and anyone who may need it,
Congratulations! You made it through 2016. It was one helluva year, to say the least. it was a challenge and an adventure and a true test of character all in one. There were times when you thought it would be impossible to get past, yet somehow you managed to pull through. You deserve the best, and after living through 2016, keep in mind the following:
1. You are in control
You get to make your own decisions. It's so important to be able to think on your own, and yes it's not always hard to stand against people you love, but make sure you take control of your life.
2. Do things that make you happy
2016 was a year of a lot of sadness and fear. People's lives got cut too short, and many did get to live their lives fully. You need to take advantage of the opportunities you have in front of you, and do things the make you happy.
3. Follow your dreams
Never stop following your dreams. And if you achieve your dreams, then set new ones. Shoot for the stars always.
4. Take risks
Try new things! Make new friends, step out of your comfort zone. There's so much out there for you to see.
5. Take care of yourself
Your health and safety are important, and if you want to achieve your dreams you have to be there to make it happen. Take vitamins and drink tea and be active. It's good for you.
6. Don't be too reckless
Try not to make decisions that may harm you or others, because life is fragile and can be gone at any second. Think before you do or say.
7. Do your work
Don't push your work off until the last minute! You're going to hate yourself for it, you always do. And keep up with your assignments so you don't fall behind.
8. Work hard
This goes for school and work. You need to fully apply yourself and make changes you want to see in your life.
9. Learn to save your money
Of course, use your money to buy necessary things, and some things that you may want, but be sure to keep at least some money aside so you can keep it to use in case of emergency.
10. Dress and act however you want
You are a unique and wonderful individual who has every right to express themselves however they please. If this means worshipping a God other than your peers, so be it. If it means changing how you look or act, and you feel comfortable this way, don't have fear in being who you truly are.
11. Master the art of letting go
Holding grudges causes a heavy heart and a burdened soul, and its easier to just release your demons and be free. Let the world take you as it may.
12. Be full of love, not hate
Being in a world such as we are in today is challenging and can post a threat to some people. We need to b quicker to love and shorter to hate, we all have our own things going on. Be forgiving and accepting, and use your manners. Take time to help a friend or neighbor who may need it
13. Take time to admire the beautiful things
If you are rushing home from work and the sky is lit in reds and golds and purples in the most beautiful sunset you have ever seen, take a minute to pull over and enjoy it. Let yourself be free with the sun. If you see a beautiful girl or a handsome boy, stop and tell them, it will make their day.
14. Tell your loved ones that they are loved
This is especially important with relatives who are getting old or forgetful, and with people you may not get to see all the time. They won't know unless you tell them
15. Give in to adventure
Make your life exciting, and make stories you would love to tell your grandchildren one day. You get to be their connection to history, so make it count.
16. Leave yourself room to grow
You may be settling into your own niche now in life, but don't ever shut the door to growth and learning. Your brain is magical and it really can do amazing things
17. Make a change
Even if you help one person, or befriend one student or educate one friend about something new. It goes a long way to make even the tiniest change in someone's life. Make it a life you're proud to live.
This is a year to restart and refresh your mind.
You have the power to make this year absolutely amazing, and I know you can do it. Just take the leap and jump into it. Good luck! I hope 2017 brings you nothing but joy, love, and happiness.
Happy New Year!!