When my facebook friends post about anything endorsing Donald Trump for president, betrayal creeps into my heart I start to feel like everything I thought I knew about that person might be false. I see them post excuses surrounding the decision to vote for Trump, but that is all I see it as. Just excuses. Many other people of color share these feelings and consequently generate similar views on their white peers. Due to this, an annoying amount of those same white peers have chosen another topic to cry about. Here are a few words for you.
Dear White America,
Supporting this man is supporting misogyny. It’s supporting racism and sexism. It's supporting a system that fully caters to the wealthy white man. Anyone that is not in the same category as Trump will not have any advantages in this system, as if they ever have.
Donald Trump is one man who forces me to pray to God that I don't have daughters, because men like him roam the streets, the schools, the churches, and the offices. He forces me to pray that my sons will not learn the same horrors of harassment, and even pray that I won't have kids, so that I won't add any predators or victims into this world. He has cultivated so much fear that America has broken out into protests and the misogyny that has been hiding inside of white-America has been unmasked, causing an immense amount of threats and violence to minorities.
Support this man and try being friendly to the ones he oppresses. Watch what his presidency will do to your brown friends and their families. The brown friends to whom you deny your own racism.
I am absolutely disappointed by the outcome of this election. You’ve proved that you are upset about progress, upset about “political correctness”, and upset that the country almost elected a woman, right after it elected its first man of color. You have definitely made your point, white-America, we hear you loud and clear. So now that you have achieved your goal, I have but one small request.
I am sick of listening to comments from white peers complaining that they are being labeled a racist. If this is you, please give yourself a huge privilege check and realize how lucky you are that your biggest problem right now is having people label you. Does being categorized bother you? Bummer.
The sad part is, you probably seriously think this is a legitimate problem for you to have.
Instead of complaining that someone called you a racist, realize that someone has called your Mexican friend a drug addict and a rapist. Someone called your middle eastern friend a terrorist, and someone called your black friend a slave. Unfortunately, due to your support of a man who has said all of the latter, these people will be systematically oppressed. These people are not upset because they are offended, they are terrified because the man saying these things has real plans to act on them.
You have the upper-hand, oppressors. I am not sorry that you might be labeled racist. Let me play you a song on the world’s smallest violin.