What our country needs
How the power of people will over come any barriers in our way, anyone wanting to take us down, how we can be one with God and believe in Him
I’m only a freshman in college but whenever another attack happens on our soil it gets me riled up. maybe because i want to go into law and protect people, maybe because i believe USA is the best country in the world, maybe because i believe there is many people wanting to take us down ( even some dirty ppl in our own gov)
what those people can’t take from us, is our love for our country and our strength
We are the most powerful together and with God
Our country has always been a target and it recently seems like it is turning into reality
Some people live in a bubble and do not pay attention to the news or what is going on around the world. I can’t stand that. Every single human being needs to know the news and their surroundings. We need to be prepared and just watching people closely while out or in big cities. I am not saying live in fear because that is what those trying to take us down want. I am saying, get the attitude that they are coming for our home, for the country millions have died for. What right do they have the audacity to do that? We need to come together. there is so many problems in USA right now. people want answers and i don't have them. I don’t know why these things are happening i really don’t. We are living in a scary movie. I just want to somehow get this message out to people that we have to at some point put our past behind us and become strong again. We are only strong when we unite. There is still good people out there who don’t care what color you are, who don’t care what religion you are. You aren’t bad if you are black or if you are a muslim. i understand not all are bad. i know. This message is for the ones who aren’t afraid, who want to fix our country, and who will not let us be victims to these horrible devil like people. Stop living in hate and resentment, that doesn’t heal your wounds but this is something bigger. I know some of you too feel as if our government does things behind our back and half of information is covered up. I do too but we all have differences and we all will be voting differently. I’m not telling you ow to vote but i am telling you if you are a teenager, its time to stop living behind a screen and its time to do something for yourself, community, and world. you may feel like life is perfect and you’ll always be okay, but somewhere, someone is getting killed by isis. We have to become aware of this and try anything to stop it or just have a strong voice and stand up for those who don't know how to use their own. The time is coming and our generation is growing up. We better be prepared.