Over the past month, I have begun a new job, binged watched hours of Gilmore Girls, and read Lauren Graham’s new book “Talking As Fast As I Can".
During this time I have come to realize how important it is to enjoy your life in the present moment, rather than concentrating on the fact that “you haven’t made it." So many times recent college graduates concentrate on the end goal, rather than the journey. Cliché I know, but it’s true. The journey of finding myself, trying new things, and finding out more about myself through the children I am working with. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter that it’s part- time or “not exactly what I dreamed," I enjoy every day of job, the people I work with, the children, and the fact that I am actually making money.
A lot of people were disappointed by the Gilmore Girls revival because of the fact that it showed Rory doubting her career as a journalist, was having an affair with Logan, and various other aspects of her life. I found it so honest because it was very close to what I am dealing with in my current life. I dreamed my entire life that I would be creating blockbuster films and working on a crew of famous producers, actors, writers, and directors. Currently, I am a Program and Marketing Associate at a local Education Foundation. So many people ask me if I will ever go to “Hollywood” and why I don’t want to be a filmmaker. First of all, my dream of going off to “Hollywood” has transformed into a more realistic one that entails creating short videos for non-profits and getting involved in philanthropy. I still love filmmaking and am a complete geek when someone tells me that they want me to create a short video for them, a web series, or even a documentary. Everyone switches and transforms their passions and what they want to be when they grow up.
Rory Gilmore is relatable, courageous, and rootless with her life and career.
Many people had an issue with the fact that Rory was having an affair with Logan in the revival, which I too think is completely relatable because it breaks her perfect image. I am currently trying to make friends, breaking old ties, trying to reconnect old ties (with bad results), and trying new things one step at a time. Baby steps. Recently I tried Ariel Yoga, which has helped me shut my brain off after a long day with children, my parents, and anyone else who has bugged me throughout the day. Though an affair is a little strong and unconventional, people have their own paths that they continue to explore and learn from. I have recently had the feeling that I need to pick up everything and move to a different country again, while a friend of mine is exploring how a new relationship has affected her decisions about a career, another who is currently in graduate school trying to figure out her life, and another who is trying to decide between graduate school and moving out of her parents house.
At the end of the day, I am sorry to tell every high schooler and 12-year old obsessed with the Kardashians and think that they are the next Insta-famous worthy person. Even if you have finally reached your celebrity goal, that doesn’t mean that you have made it. Many people do something for years and come to realize that they are miserable and want to explore another path. So, do what you want, dance as crazy as you like, and be as much of a cliche as you want.
Just as long as you are being you!