Millennials have been getting a representation from the previous generations. The generations who have raised us. I guess somewhere along the line we stopped becoming the children you dreamed we would be, somewhere we became a disappointment. Or at least that seems to be the way your preserve us to be. You call us cry babies, and selfish. You say we feel entitled to things, and always expect to be praised. Yet who raised us, you did.
We are the generation of trophies. Ever sense we were little we were handed a trophy, if we won or lost. They were all the same trophy, same size, same color. Did we ask for everyone to get a trophy, no. Did we understand why we were getting one for losing, no. Our parents would tell us things like "its for participating". They would get hung up throughout the house. How were we supposed to know we didn't deserve them. Who handed us the trophy? Your generation. Who told us we deserved them? Your generation. You can not blame the millennials for something your generation implemented.
We are the generation whom wants change. We want everyone to be equal, and your lying to yourself if you think its that way now. We are not okay with women getting paid less than a man. We believe you should be able to love who you want without any repercussions. We know that your religion does not define who you are. We do not think its okay to discriminate someone because of race, gender, ethnicity or religion. In preschool we were taught "to treat other the way you want to be treated". Meaning when someone is different form you be understanding. When someone thinks differently than you, try and see it from there perspective. Your generation also taught us that.
We are the generation of technology. We grew up faces planting in tv. Were given video games as entertainment. Cell phones for communication. We were also given access to endless amounts of information at any given moment. Does this make us more lazy than your generation? Is this why we don't play outside? See there is one thing your generation is forgetting, you gave us those things. You bought them for us. So you can't be upset when your child isn't having the same childhood you had. We once again did not ask for technology, but know that we have it we are going to want to advance it. If you think about it your generation wanted the same thing.
Is our generation perfect, absolutely not. But are we the worst generation, I don't believe so. We want to see peace. We want to see equality. We want to see understanding. We want their to be change for the better. We want to more forward in life, not go backwards. You say we are the worst generation. You say we don't understand how the world works. But we are the generation, that yours raised. we are this way because of you. And as for not understanding, we do get how the world works, we just want a different world than yours.