I think that we can all agree that this semester has been a tough one. Classes were tough and the cold weather has made it even worse.
There is only one thing on all of our minds. SUMMER.
Ah, summer. Warm and sunny days, no homework to worry about.
We are all getting so anxious about it, which is understandable. It's been a long year. If you're like me, you're probably feeling like your brain is about to explode, and that you can't possibly fathom doing one more assignment.
You probably are thinking about giving up and doing something else with your life.
But don't.
You only have one more month of this and then you are free for a whole summer. You're free from mean professors, group projects, and awful exams.
Do not give up now!
This is the hardest time of year because summer is so close, we can almost taste it. We can almost feel the warm sun on our skin.
But then we wake up, and it's gross out and we have to go to class.
You are going to feel so amazing when you turn that last exam in and walk out of the classroom, and into summer mode.
I know it's tough to stay strong right now and to keep your head in the books, but you have got this.
Don't forget about why you're taking these classes in the first place. You are going to have an amazing career and life, this is just one rough patch. This is just one obstacle that you have to get through.
Yeah, classes suck, but you know what's worse? Working a mediocre job for the rest of your life because you gave up instead of getting your degree.
Just remember, everywhere you look is another college student who is going through the same thing you are.
If they can get through this next month, so can you.
Now get to the library, study your face off, and kill your exams! Summer will be so much sweeter knowing that you worked as hard as you could in your classes.