Mesa allows residents to open medical marijuana dispensaries with proper zoning after voters approved Proposition 203 in 2010. The Maricopa County Superior Court also has issued four injunctions ordering dispensaries to close or move since 2010.
Mesa's first medical marijuana dispensary
Mesa's first medical marijuana dispensary, which opened in November, is coming under fire from a group of residents who claim the business is violating city ordinances. "I'm not against having a dispensary in Mesa," said Steve Chucri, president of the Mesa Community Coalition. "We're just trying to make sure they respect the zoning laws." The group is asking the Maricopa County Superior Court to step in and force Dank Depot to shut down or move the business out of a building off Country Club Drive that sits within 500 feet of four churches, two daycare centers and an elementary school. Mesa allows residents to open medical marijuana dispensaries with proper zoning after voters approved Proposition 203 in 2010. The Maricopa County Superior Court also has issued four injunctions ordering dispensaries to close or move since 2010. The most recent injunction, issued against Arizona Organix in June 2012, required it to close its doors by Aug. 31, 2012. The dispensary shut down and reopened three days later at a new location across town after obtaining proper zoning approval from city officials.
Sometimes it is challenging to be on the leading edge of a trend. It is even more difficult when it comes to cannabis laws. When a trend first begins, there are few laws in place to guide the way. This can make it hard for someone who operates in this field to know how they can move forward. They face the challenge of trying to do business while not breaking any laws that are currently in place. Trying to find legal help is never an easy task, especially when you don't know where to look. Sometimes the most logical place to start looking for help is right at home. If you live in an area where cannabis has been legalized, you may have someone in your circle of family or friends that can help out with some legal advice. In order to find answers you can trust, you should consider hiring a lawyer who specializes in cannabis law. There are many benefits from using this kind of lawyer instead of going it alone. They are able to give you answers that apply specifically to your situation and will ensure that you don't get yourself into any legal trouble along the way.