I wish the Holidays could always be the happiest time of year.
A truly care-free holiday, dedicated solely to our families and remembering the reason for the season.
But that wouldn't be real life.
This will be the fourth Christmas that you've missed.
Your family and friends miss you so much, but the truth is, you're really not missing too much.
Last week I heard about a lady jumping off the overpass near my school, and each day I get news reports informing me of all the bad things happening around the world.
While it's nice to spend time with family, go on vacation and take a break, the truth is for many the painful reality is still there.
The reality that their loved ones are gone too, that they have no family to spend the Holidays with, no job, or the brokenness they're reminded of when they go home.
It's so easy for us to get caught up in all the festivities and excitement of our own Holiday plans that we forget about the ones who have none.
I know if you were still here you would've invited everyone over to your parent's house, making sure everyone had a place to stay. I wish we could all be like that.
There is something about this type of year that can bring out the worst in us, instead of being thankful we think of everything we don't have, and instead of remembering what we have in Jesus we yearn for what we hope to get.
Like most people, I love the Christmas music, the pretty lights, and the fun traditions, but for some people, it's just another reminder that there is an empty seat at their dining room table.
Sometimes when I think about Christmas I think about you.
I think about how you laughed when I told you that you smelt like maple syrup when you gave me your jacket to wear, I think about how cheerful you were even though it was freezing cold outside.
We didn't need Christmas lights on a tree because you sure knew how to light up a room.
There was no need for presents because, with you there, there was always a new surprise you would bring that would make us laugh.
I think about your family, and how unfair it is that they can't be with you for another Christmas.
It doesn't matter how much time has passed because for us on this end there will always be a person missing and each year reminds us of that.
There are a lot of people missing someone this Holiday season.
The Holidays aren't always the happiest time of year,
but they can be.
If we gather together, invite a friend or a stranger, and spend time with one another.
You were always the best at giving quality time and hosting people.
It never mattered what we did or what was prepared, it was just about us all being together.
That's what I want to always remember when I think about you and your love for people, that no matter what time of year it is or what holiday there is, that there is always a reason to love one another, spend time with each other, and most importantly, point one another to Jesus.
You always did know how to make people feel so welcome and loved, poring the love of God one everyone around you, I'll never forget that about you.
Merry Christmas Tracy Paul.