When most kids are asked who their favorite superhero is, their responses range from Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. When I am asked this question, my answer isn't a normal superhero. My favorite superhero doesn't wear a cape. She can't even fly, but she does save lives. My favorite superhero is Meredith Grey.
Meredith Grey is a legend at the Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. She has been through so much in her lifetime. Tragedy, heartbreak, and everything in between. With every obstacle she has had to face, she has handled it with elegance and poise. She is a phenomenal surgeon and saves people's lives on a regular basis.
"But, Reed, she isn't a superhero. She doesn't even have any superpowers. What's so super about her?"
1. She is a gifted surgeon.
Remember that one time Derek went to D.C. and she was on that streak of having no deaths during surgery? Yeah, me too. She is incredible.
2. She has (had) a perfect marriage.
Okay, so her marriage isn't (wasn't) perfect. But what marriage is? She loved Derek unconditionally and he loved her with all his heart.
3. She is a great mother.
She thought she was going to be bad at it. But look at her now. Three kids, and a single mom. She fought to keep Zola in her family and knew that Zola belonged with her and Derek.
4. She is the best friend you could ever have.
Her relationship with Cristina is something of the Gods. She is always there for her Person, no matter what. Meredith and Cristina have the best friendship in the entire show, and quite possibly the entire world. I can only hope that my friendships become like this one day.
5. She had a difficult childhood.
Dealing with an alcoholic father, and a mother with Alzheimer's, she knows that life is not all sunshine and lollipops. Even through her father leaving, and her mother's emotional abuse, she somehow managed to become the person she was always meant to be.
6. But she didn't let that get in the way of her success.
Even though her life has been difficult, she has not let that get in the way of her success. She persevered, and didn't let anything hold her back. Meredith is quite possibly one of the most successful general surgeons at the hospital.
7. She's an incredible sister.
Even though she didn't want her sister, she eventually came around. She loves Lexie. Thick and thin till the very end.
No, she can't fly. No, she doesn't wear a cape. No, she doesn't have superhuman strength. But she saves lives, she has a huge heart, and she is a fighter. Keep up the good work, Dr. Grey.