Dear Mama and Daddy,
Well, the time has come. I'm almost done with school and I'm stressing out about what my next steps in life are going to be. Looking back on the last few years, I can't help but to think about all of the life lessons that you've instilled in me. All of the times that you have both given me your advice, whether I wanted it or not, have helped me grow into the woman that I am today, and I recognize that now.
Remember when you told me that that heartbreak wouldn't last and that I would come out stronger than ever? You were right. I didn't see it then, but I needed to be broken down in order to see the potential that I had in myself all along. New dreams are something special, aren't they?
Remember when you told me that I shouldn't focus too much on my major so early on in college? That it was okay to test the waters and it was definitely okay to change my mind? You were right. I ended up changing my career goals a few times since I was a freshman, and I am happy with the choices that I've made and am currently making.
Remember when you told me that I was going to miss being at home and being in my hometown? You were right. Now more than ever, I am coming home when I am capable, and it's always special to be able to spend time with the family and those that I've grown up around.
Remember when you told me that those chores that you made me do growing up would help me in the long-run? You were right. I've been able to do my own laundry and make a mean bowl of macaroni and cheese when I need to without any help. Oh, and it's definitely important to keep the bedroom and general space clean at all times. You were right about that, too. Because sometimes company really do come over unannounced, and it isn't pleasant having to invite them into a messy living area. And I thought you were just being whiny all of these years, Mom...
Remember when you told me that my favorite memories will be those from when I stepped outside of my comfort zone? You were right. It's okay to try new things, say yes to those spontaneous trips, and to embrace new ideas about life.
Remember when you told me that everything was going to change? Well, you were actually wrong. Life has changed, and I have changed, but your love and support has never changed, and I can't thank you both enough for that. Because, at the end of the day, no matter how crazy life gets, I know that I can depend on you through thick and thin, and I'll always love you for that. And, because of you two, I know that I'll be okay no matter where life takes me post-graduation.
Always your little girl,
Your soon-to-be college grad