Our sins are great but our Savior is greater.
We have such a loving and forgiving Father. God knew exactly what He was getting into when He created you. He knew all of your faults, all of your sins, all of your problems and yet He still chose you. He picked you to be His disciple, He picked you to be his son or daughter. It is so overwhelming that we have a Savior who took our place on a cross and took the weight of all of our sins. The love and grace of God were fulfilled when He said, “It is finished.”
How amazing is it that God sent down His one and only son to die for us? I still have a hard time understanding this. I still do not think I am worthy. The things I have done, the things I have said, the people I have hurt, I am sinful. I admit that I have many faults. Yet, God still loves me. God still wants me regardless of all of my sin. No matter the things I have done and the things that I will do in the future, God will still pursue me, He will still chase after me and shower me in His grace and love.
God still loves you. He wants you to know how loved you are by Him. He wants you to feel His passion and His power for you. We need to ignite our hearts for His grace. We need to shower him with thanksgiving for all that He has provided us with. All of our possessions and material items can be taken away within an instant.
So, right now, in this moment, thank Him for all he has given to you. Thank Him for all of the struggles, pain, and sorrow because without all of those things we would not know love, happiness, and what a blessing life truly is.
We are imperfectly perfect in His eyes. He knows all we are capable of and He wants us to recognize that. God has made us strong individuals that can withstand any storm that may come our way. As long as we have Christ with us, we can overcome the impossible.
Take time out of your day to appreciate all life has to offer. We live in such an amazing, beautiful world that we do not sometimes stop to think about who the Creator is. We take things for granted and it is okay for that to happen every once in a while. He knows that we are grateful, He knows that we are blessed to be living this life.
"He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy." — Titus 3:5