From 'Riverdale' To 'Steven Universe,' Hot Topic Has All Your Pop Culture Favs | The Odyssey Online
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If You're Obsessed With 'Riverdale,' 'Supernatural,' Or 'Steven Universe,' Hot Topic Has Everything You Need

I was surprised to see graphic tees with David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Prince, Aaliyah, and even Selena Quintanilla!

Girl wearing a "soft emo" shirt from Hot Topic

Whenever I go to a mall with my sisters, there is one store that my sisters and I always look forward to going, and that store is called Hot Topic. Hot Topic is a retail store that is aimed at young adults and teens with interest in pop culture as well as video gaming and music and popular television shows along with popular anime and popular films. Here are the reasons why Hot Topic is a great luxury to me.

1. Hot Topic is up to date in trends with whatever is going on in Tumblr

As a Tumblr user myself, I get to learn what is currently popular these days regarding celebrities, video games, and music, and etc. One thing that got very popular was this anime "Yuri on Ice." When it was released, this anime was one of the top hottest trends on Tumblr. Then when I got a chance to go to Hot Topic, there was a lot of merchandise for this anime. There were a lot of graphic tees and even small figurines for this anime. Nowadays, when the release date of the popular video game "Kingdom Hearts 3" was announced not too long ago, there was a lot of hype for this game on Tumblr. Then going back to Hot Topic, I saw a few merchandises with "Kingdom Hearts." When I asked the associate for some Kingdom Hearts merchandise, she immediately knew what was talking about and kindly told me that there will more new merchandise by the time "Kingdom Hearts 3" will be released. I got excited and told her I can't wait.

2. Hot Topic is a store to unleash your love for pop culture

Whether you are obsessed with Disney, anime, or even goth, this store has it all! Not only that, the store also sells merchandise regarding films, television, and even 80's singers! I was surprised to see graphic tees with David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Prince, Aaliyah, and even Selena Quintanilla! I also saw a lot of merchandise with popular television shows like "Doctor Who" and "Supernatural" as well. A very popular one now in Hot Topic is "Riverdale." Furthermore, the store also features merchandise from popular cartoons such as "Steven Universe" and "Voltron Force." If you have an obsession with one of these sources in pop culture, feel free to have a look at Hot Topic!

3. Hot Topic is a store that has some great discounts

I remember coming here around Christmas time to see if there are any Christmas sales and apparently there is! The graphic tees in these big boxes were on sale in a very cheap price and I couldn't resist buying them! I literally bought three of the graphic tees as part of my Christmas gift. Yes, I'd recommend for people to do some Christmas shopping at Hot Topic!

Thereby, if you're going out with friends to a mall for some shopping, please stop by at Hot Topic!

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