No, this isn't a plug for a certain organization, although I could recommend a few off the top of my head, if that's all you're looking for here. I honestly don't care where you're getting plugged in, but you should be pouring into either the youth related to you or the youth of your community. Here are just a few of the many reasons why you should be a mentor.
1. It's the absolute best part of your week (or month).
Even though I only get to spend time with my little mentee once a month for an hour and a half, the time makes all the difference. Seeing Academy 4 (the program I mentor through) on my calendar for the week lifts my spirits so high just to think about the possibilities of our time together.
2. You're really making a difference.
When I asked "when have you felt the happiest?" and heard my mentee respond with "the first time I met you," I almost broke down in tears. I think it's the absolute coolest thing that she looks forward to our short time together each month and genuinely cares about my life.
Also, I love the fact that meeting a complete stranger for the first time, for her, is filled with such childlike faith. Although I don't see myself as able to make a huge difference in her life, I have no idea how much of a difference I can make. You can be the difference between a child graduating high school or not (in FW specifically, about one half of students won't graduate high school).
3. It's Biblical.
Everyone needs a Paul, Timothy, and Barnabas in their life. A Paul to pour into them, a Timothy to pour into, and a Barnabas to challenge them. Even though I'm at a public institution and can't actually pull out a Bible and teach Ephesians 2 on the regular, I can live out the Gospel on this elementary school campus for the teachers, students, and other mentors.
4. It opens your eyes.
If you're working through a mentoring program, it's common to be placed at an under-privileged institution. These fourth graders that I get to see and speak with have lived completely different lives from me and have seen things that I (hope to) never see.
5. It's fun.
Small talk and running around on the playground are not typically my go-to activities when I've got free time. However, the children around me have inspired me to actually live in a way that is filled with wonder and awe again. We get to learn about their lives, play board games, and color. Could you ask for a better Friday afternoon?
I promise, no matter where you mentor, that it will be helpful and these kids will grow (and so will you). It may be one less hour of Netflix or homework for the week, but don't you think it's worth it to help change the course of someone's life?