The first place that gets attacked when we are at our weakest is our mind. This is why we can sometimes feel depressed, and other times, happy-go-lucky. What we allow ourselves to think, has a direct reflection on how we behave. As of late, this has been the area that God has me working on. It's difficult to use a person to do great and inspiring things if their mind is always in the dumps.
This journey towards a more positive mindset started when I realized that my thoughts needed a little clean up. Usually when God has an assignment for His children, which is embedded within our very being, the enemy tries to find a way to distract us. The enemy causes the right path to seem unrealistic or you begin to feel incapable. For a whole week, my mind was filled with dark thoughts, it became exhausting. I would, in my own strength, try to distract myself, but the thought only intensified. Acknowledging that this was war, I went to find a biblical solution.
"Battlefield of The Mind" is a book that was written by Joyce Meyer. I am not a big reader, so I found the audio version of the book. In the midst of my battle, I began to listen attentively for a solution. I highly recommend this book, because for many like me who are struggling with the wrong type of thinking, this book will really help you gain spiritual insight.
Your mind is very powerful. Nothing on you can truly function properly without your thinking capability. You can read a whole book, or have a conversation with a person, and not comprehend a thing if your mind doesn't acknowledge or focus on what is being done. Your mind is what you use to reject and receive information. The bible tells us that if we want victory, we should meditate on His word day, and night. To meditate, by my understanding, is to purposefully think of something with the intention of remembering and having a deeper understanding. When you meditate on something for a while, your mind begins to believe it (receive it). With any battle that you face, the word of God has a winning strategy.
By speaking God's truth over your situation you reject the lies that you hear. I began speaking God's word to counter all the deception, and started experiencing peace of mind and joy. Another thing that came with this peace is confidence in who God created me to be. Believe in who God called you to be; seasons come and go, but God's word will never change.