The holidays; the season everyone loves and hates at the same time. It's not that they hate the holidays and all the presents and getting together with everyone and going to all the different holiday parties. It has known to be one of the most depressing time of the year. Whether it is families not being able to give their kids all the presents they want or families who have to deal with the all the judgment from other family members.
There is one thing that everyone needs to keep in mind as they try and get into the holiday spirit. If you are not mentally, physically, or emotional okay it is alright if you admit that you aren't.
If you ever feel like you can't continue the way you feel and want to end everything. Please, contact a Crisis Helpline. You are important. I believe in you even if you don't believe in yourself. We have all felt a certain way and didn't know how to handle anything, but there are resources to help you feel okay.
Please be safe this holiday year.