The idea of getting an A on every paper, every exam, every assignment, seems great. It can be known as a reassurance of our hard work and dedication to our four-plus classes we attend every single day.
Losing sleep, skipping meals, forgetting to drink water, skipping out on time with friends and family, these are the things that can occur when your letter of an A is what you are living for.
You are worth more than the grade letter, or the GPA number on your transcript.
Listen, don't get me wrong, getting A's and B's definitely is something to feel accomplished for. It is the approval that you did it, you completed your class, and your hard work paid off.
But honey, get some sleep.
Don't lose yourself, don't forget who you are. Grades are important, but the true measurement of self-worth and accomplishment is that you tried your best.
Trying your best, and working hard for your goals is something that is A-worthy.
Reserve time for yourself, for your sanity, your health, your mental health.
At the end of the day, grades might look nice on a piece of paper, but who you are and how you represent yourself can be even more honorable.