Well, here we are. Finals week. The week we have been dreading all semester. However, we are not going to let this week run us ragged. We are not going to let this week drag us down, instead, we are going to conquer this week ourselves. We will not lose our sanity because of one week.
Thus, below are the key points to remember if you want to steer clear of mental breakdowns during finals week.
1. Get plenty of sleep
Whatever you do, do not pull an all nighter before an exam. The more sleep you get, the more rested you will feel, and the better your brain will work on the day of the final. Make sure to study bits and pieces days leading up to the exam so you don't have to cram the night before. Yes, this requires discipline, but you will thank yourself when you feel nice and rested while taking your final.
2. Eat healthy food
When we get stressed, it is easy to pig out on food that is terrible for us. However, this food does not give us the energy we need. Whenever you crave something unhealthy, feed that craving with some grapes or a nice salad. You are sure to feel more energized and in that, you will be more confident going into your finals. Make sure to take good care of your body this week.
3. Exercise
Speaking of taking good care of your body, make sure to work out. You have to get your stress out somehow, and what better way than to sweat it out? This will also increase your brain power and make you feel more energized than ever.
4. Give yourself study breaks
Maybe one day you have planned to study all day. Within each hour of studying, plan for yourself a ten minute break. Whether that is staring at the wall in front of you, or it is getting another coffee, plan some time for you to get your head out of your books. This will prolong your studying periods and help you recharge your brain power as well.
5. Manage your time well
By planning out your days, you are sure to feel more on top of the craziness. Give specific amounts of time to your finals projects that are due. Make sure to only limit this time for an hour on each subject. This will require you to stay away from procrastination habits because you know you only have a certain amount of time to work. You will feel more productive than ever.
6. Don't put too much pressure on yourself
You may be a perfectionist, but remember to not put the weight of the world on your shoulders. Life is so much more valuable than your GPA. As long as you try your best, that is all that matters. No matter if you fail or do great on your finals, the sun will still come up the next morning. You will still have a future. Just study the best you can, and tell yourself good things. No one is telling you that you need to be perfect.
This week is brutal, but just know it is not the end of your life. You are still going to live past this and you will survive. I promise you, finals week is not the end of the world!
You can do this. I believe in you.
Happy studying!