About a month ago, I wrote about the fact that I am getting a breast reduction. Because I took the leap and wrote about it on here, I've been much more open about it in my personal and Twitter life. I have a countdown app, and every single day I ask my friend to guess the number of days left and each time we high-five.
However, I've noticed a significant difference in reactions when men find out versus when women find out.
Straight men, as the world may know, really care about the female body. They care about how it looks, what it does for them, and sometimes have the audacity to tell women what they think it should look like as well. My boobs are no different.
I have told several guys that yes, I am getting a breast reduction, and they respond with things like "Why would you ever do that?" or "Those are a gift from God to humankind" and my personal favorite, "That's like slapping God in the face!" Okay, yes, I get it. You like to look at them. Who doesn't? These lumps on my chest somehow create this image of me that some guys like to look at. It follows me everywhere.
At work, I have a guy friend who comments on them probably every day, jokingly. But is it a joke? He says that I should pull my v-neck shirt down to get more tips. Are these comments actually funny or will these men still not think I'm beautiful and worthy of love if I chop them off? It's not that I actually care what they think, because they don't have to deal with the immense back pain and the expensive bathing suits, but it is annoying.
It's annoying that women are only judged on what their body looks like, and if you want to change that, men will always have an opinion. Dudes, if you have any questions on what not to ask me afterward, here's a hyperlink for you: 10 Questions You Need To Stop Asking The Girl Who Got A Breast Reduction
Women, on the other hand usually congratulate me. I've gotten several DM's and comments that say something along the lines of "Congratulations! I'll be praying you recover safely" or something like that. Or, I get messages from women who have had the surgery and they tell me how wonderful life is now. Not one female has ever asked why I want them off, or why I would ever consider getting the surgery done.
Females KNOW how much of a pain our breasts really are, and females (including myself) KNOW how much guys like them. However, I have a hard time appreciating my breasts because they have always caused me pain for my entire life and produced many insecurities. There's a reason why I have a countdown (it's 35 days by the way).
I don't think one article will solve the issue of men viewing women as objects that they have opinions about, but I like to write about this journey so that other women know what may be coming if they want this surgery done.
Right now, this is a part of my identity. I am the girl who is getting a breast reduction at 19 years old, and I'm not going to change the way I feel about it because of the way that some guys feel about it.