To all of the guys that get some sort of joy from staring down women in the street, thus making women feel awkward:
What's so enjoyable about staring at women like they're pieces of salami? Are you hungry when you look at said women? You do know that women are people too, right? They may not look like you, and they don't have the same genitals as you men do, but us women are still people.
When you stare at women as they're walking and ignoring you, does this make you feel like you've done something productive with your life? Do you know that there are apps such as Tinder and Bumble that allow you to stare at photos of women without making them feel weird? Trust me — staring at a woman's profile on either app is a million times better than hovering over women in the street just to stare at them. Chances are, they don't want you all up in their face. Also, chances are, your breath probably smells much worse than a wet dog, which is another thing that women don't want to feel anywhere near them.
Now I'm not sure if you "men" that stare at women like they're pieces of salami have someone that you're seeing that happens to be a female in your life, but if you do, good for you. I'm not saying to keep your eyes off of other people, but if you're doing it in a sexual manner in the street to a woman while you're in some form of a relationship, just stop what you're doing. Staring at a woman in the street in hopes of something sexual while you're in a relationship isn't cute.
Chances are, if you lose control and try to do something to the woman, she's going to call you a creep and tell you that you have issues with yourself. Also, if the woman in your life finds out that you're trying to do sexual things to other women in the street as you're seeing her, she's going to be pissed at you for not being able to control your other head.
SEE ALSO: Men, Your Catcalling Will Never Be A Compliment
Now, "men" of the world, let me leave you with some last words. If a woman shows some sort of discomfort as you're staring at her in the street, stop what you're doing and just walk away. Not only will you be stopping yourself from potentially being embarrassed in a public setting by someone that you don't know, the woman that you were staring at will feel more comfortable that you're not all up in her face.
One of many women of society that doesn't want you men all up in my face as I'm trying to get sh*t done.